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Warm-Up Questions: Buddhism or Hinduism?

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1 Warm-Up Questions: Buddhism or Hinduism?
Which religion used the Caste System in Classical India? Karma & reincarnation are associated with which Classical Indian religion? Siddharta Gautama founded which Indian faith?

2 Chinese Dynasties* China Builds A Bureaucracy*
Learning Goal 4: Describe the basic beliefs of legalism, Daoism, and Confucianism and explain how classical Chinese leaders created a strong centralized government based on Confucian teachings. (TEKS/SE’s 3A,23A,16C,25A) Essential Question: What are the basic beliefs of legalism, Daoism, and Confucianism? How did Classical Chinese leaders create a strong centralized government based on Confucian teachings?

3 Classical Era: China Chinese history is generally divided into periods based upon the dynasty that ruled at that time. From 1122 B.C*. to 220 A.D., China was ruled by three main dynasties. Zhou Dynasty 1122 B.C. – 221 B.C. Qin Dynasty 221 B.C. – 206 B.C. Han Dynasty 206 B.C. – 220 A.D.

4 “Dynastic Cycle” of The Zhou Dynasty, 1122 B.C. – 256 B.C.
Zhou family claims mandate of Heaven Period of prosperity & stability Feudal Rule Nobles are given land in exchange for military support. Taxes Raised. Nobles start raising their own armies, stop paying taxes. (stop obeying the dynasty) Warring States Period (~250 years) Ideas of Legalism & Confucianism created “Dynastic Cycle” of The Zhou Dynasty, 1122 B.C. – 256 B.C.

5 Wood bowl in middle top, painting of army

6 Mandate of Heaven & the Dynastic Cycle


8 “Dynastic Cycle” of The Qin Dynasty (221 BC- 206 BC)
Qin family claims mandate of Heaven (brief) Period of prosperity & stability - Begin creation of Great Wall & Grand Canal - Unified China after Warring States Legalism- people are by nature wicked. Need harsh rules & strict punishments Book burning, Persecution of Confucians (burned alive) Qin Shih Huand-ti dies. People rebel against his harsh rule “Dynastic Cycle” of The Qin Dynasty (221 BC- 206 BC)

9 bows

10 Qin accomplishments: common language common currency
ordered the building of roads constructed the first fortifications of the Great Wall standardized laws in the region contributed to the unification of China. After Qin Shi Huangdi died… rebellions and violent revolts Han Dynasty quickly took over

11 Plague, corruption within government, nomadic invaders, too large
Han Dynasty claims mandate of Heaven Period of prosperity & stability (400 years) Legalism replaced with Confucianism Paper invented, Silk Road trade flourishes Civil service examination (must pass test to work in bureaucratic government) Plague, corruption within government, nomadic invaders, too large “Dynastic Cycle” of The Han Dynasty 206 B.C. – 220 A.D.

12 Statue is Confucius

13 Population under this dynasty swelled to 60 million
In later years, ruled by young teenage males! Isolated, eunuchs, mothers retained power Lots of palace intrigue… At times, eunuchs killed the young ruler’s family to ensure he kept power Revival of Confucianism- it survived the Qin! Collapsed & divided into 3 separate kingdoms 195 bc- the Empress Lu Zhi made an attempt to take control by murdering a few of Gaozu’s sons. Lu Zhi also personally mutilated and murdered her mother and Gaozu’s preferred mistress, Lady Qi, before throwing her body into a privy and showing it off to visitors. The power struggle lasted for 15 years when Gaozu’s son Emperor Wan slaughtered Lu Zhi’s family and became emperor.

14 Inventions & Achievements: Paper (105 BCE)
invented by an eunuch, Cai Lun First Chinese dictionary Civil service exam = better government officials Strong central administration Stirrups for horses Paper: pounded ingredients like bamboo, hemp, rags, fishing nets and mulberry tree bark into a pulp, mixing in water and spreading it fla

15 In 138 BC a man named Zhang Qian was sent to make contact with tribes in the West
Explored for 13 years Mapped out the route of his expedition & it became… The Silk Road! Trails for trade between Asia, India, and Rome The road was primarily established on silk trade and other luxury items Cultural diffusion

16 Notebook Test & Rest of Class
Turn in your notebook test when done Remaining class time will be for finishing your Hinduism/Buddhism brochure When done, finish the white vocabulary (due later this week) Turn your brochure in! BUDDHIST TEXTS: Tripitaka & Sutras

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