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Overview Summary of involvement to date November 2010 to May 2011 Current initiatives Future plans.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview Summary of involvement to date November 2010 to May 2011 Current initiatives Future plans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outcomes Based Service Delivery AASCF Membership Meeting May 13, 2011 Presented by Sandra Maygard

2 Overview Summary of involvement to date November 2010 to May 2011 Current initiatives Future plans

3 Initial Question - What is OBSD
OBSD is now being used in: Education, Health, Corrections, Business and Child Welfare Many different approaches/models being used OBSD within the context of Child Welfare means different things to different people: A shift in thinking about Child Welfare A shift in practice – how services are delivered and/or A shift in funding

4 Information Gathering
Reading articles, internet searches Review of approaches in Australia, New Zealand, UK, various states in the USA and Canada Individual meetings with agency personal: Lead agencies and agencies providing services Interagency meetings: Chapter meetings - Edmonton, Red Deer Calgary, Lethbridge AASCF and Region 6 Working Committee AASCF Strategic Committee Meeting Ministry and Lead Agency meetings Individual discussions with Ministry and CFSA staff - Regions 6, 7, 3 and 2 Other discussions about OBSD: Jay Rodgers, CEO, Manitoba General Authority Staff from United Way and FCSS

5 Alberta Experience The evolution of service delivery in Alberta
Alberta Child and Family Services Act (1996) pillars Review of the Act (2001) Alberta Response Model ( ) philosophy Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act (2004) legislation Case Work Practice Model (2006) policy and practice Outcomes Based Service Delivery (2009) policy and practice Implementation of OBSD 6 Phase-in sites currently operating Lead agency and CFSA Unit determined Funding model determined Early results and lessons learned are being shared

6 Early Results -OBSD Very early days, however results to date:
Over 900 children and their families served Greater clarity regarding roles and purpose of an intervention More explicit focus on intended ‘outcomes’ for the child and family More children receiving services in their home vs. out of home Contract agencies express that they have a greater voice in planning how services will be delivered Greater recognition of contribution of agency service provision to the wellness and safety of the children and families they are serving Ministry and agency staff “would not go back’ to what was Practice is changing – ‘spill-over’ is happening into other units/staff

7 Lessons learned Practice
Collaboration isn’t always easy and takes time Need to ensure that there is joint agreement re: how disagreements will be resolved Agencies and CFSA staff need to be provided the opportunity to share their vision and their philosophy/approach to service delivery Early engagement, intensive family contact and engagement of community supports appear to be critical factors Roles and responsibilities appear to be easy to navigate early in involvement but tend to become more complex in situations with longer involvement

8 Lessons Learned There is natural tension in the approaches of caseworkers vs. agency staff that, when managed appropriately, can result in very good outcomes for families Focus on outcomes Child Safety – Ministry/CFSA Child Well Being - Agency Permanence - Family Family and Community Support Agencies and communities need a more understanding of the Casework Practice Model. Ministry staff could benefit from a more in depth understanding of Agencies expertise in supporting and enhancing well being of children/youth and families

9 Lessons Learned- Business Relationships
Focus on change management is critical to success Need frequent opportunities to meet Agencies need support in subcontracting (i.e. clarity of expectations) Contracts need to be flexible and maintain openness to amendments based on assumptions that were not accurate Agencies need time to build capacity and partnerships required to delivery a continuum of supports A new way of funding and a new way of delivering services is very challenging.

10 Change Management The central issue to creating change is never just strategy, structure, culture, or systems. The core of the matter is always about changing behavior of people…how they see and think about what is new or proposed... John Kotter

11 Biggest Lesson Collaboration requires:
Interpersonal as well as organizational sensitivity: Skills in listening Self-awareness Ability to read others signals and A dose of humility (Moss 1999 – in Change is Everyone’s Job: Managing the Extended Enterprise in a Globally Connected World)

12 Information Sharing AASCF Web-site re-ordered
OBSD Resources: Newsletters – on web-site March, April and upcoming in June Interagency meetings AASCF chapter meetings Sector meetings FSCD Prevention and Early Intervention Meetings with agency’s CEO’s and/or management teams

13 Presentations - with AASCF involvement
AASCF conference - Ministry staff (Joni and Jon Region 3) and WJS staff - Region 7 Lethbridge Agencies – AASCF (Rhonda), Ministry (Joni), Woods Homes (Tom) and CFSA (Dave) Grant MacEwan University - 4th year students - Child and Youth Care(CYC) Alberta College of Social Work Conference – Joni and Rhonda Grant MacEwan - staff from CYC, Social Work and Disability Services – AASCF (Sandra),Ministry (Joni), CFSA #6 (Lisa) and The Family Centre (Rod and Pauline)

14 Think Tank 4 sessions since January 2011 with;
Mark Cabaj, Sharon Matthias, Mark Holgrem, Liz O’Neil, Rod Rode, Joni Brodziak, Rhonda and myself Addressing the implementation of OBSD: The process of change, The barriers (traps) that impede change The dynamics involved with implementation While much of the discussions have been focused upon the “big picture” of how to shift thinking and practice within large systems, there has been much discussion as to how to make OBSD understandable and real at the ground level

15 Collaboration with Ministry
Readiness Assessment Tool Draft of agency issues compiled John Gaye presented a prototype to the Leads Meeting Two tools with similar categories and design will be developed Focus Groups with CFSA and lead agency staff in Region 4 and 7 Joint presentations

16 Other Initiatives Draft Terms of Reference for an OBSD Advisory Committee submitted Survey of Tools being used devised, distributed and compiled AASCF website re-indexed and re-ordered Work-plan developed

17 Outstanding Issues Envisioning opportunity vs. Fear of change, job loss, change in role Collaboration CFSA-Lead-Agencies and inter-program Breaking down “silos”- between ministries, ministry and agencies, agencies and programs within agencies Clarification of roles- caseworker/agency one case/worker/unit at a time Partnerships/mergers – discussions are happening Funding Case rate, sub-contracts, long- term “costly” clients Aboriginal phase - in site being considered – Region 6

18 Opportunities Openness on the part of the Ministry and CFSA’s to learning as we move forward Initially OBSD presented as a funding model but is now a recognized as involving shifts in practice We are in a time of learning and adapting Reactions of a few months ago are now accepted facts Learnings – both positive and negative from the phase-in sites are being shared Tools are being developed to assist agencies with the transition The process of implementation will be slow – allowing agencies time to adapt and define their strength/expertise The future of OBSD is not clearly defined – it is evolving

19 Future Openness to meeting with agency staff groups
June Edmonton Chapter meeting Prevention and Early Intervention agencies invited to discuss Region 4 and 7 follow-up – September Training opportunities: Family Assessment Tool – Woods Homes - TBA Signs of Safety workshops Hamilton- July 5-8 Dr. Madsen in Calgary and Edmonton – Sept 19-23 Joint Ministry and AASCF Provincial Symposium: Late October/November Initial title – Learning our Way Together Key note and break off sessions initial ideas

20 Excellent resource Video and power-point outlining the process of change undergone by Brevard Family Partnership, Florida Transforming Child Welfare Case Practice: Implementing Wraparound and Family Centered Practice Into Systems of Care Dr. Patricia Nellius-Guthrie, Rennee Rich, Kim Coviello, Becky Petty, August 27, 2009: nd09/transformcw/fs.html

21 Questions

22 Contact Information Sandra Maygard Phone: Direct: Cell:

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