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by Ms. Rocío Jiménez September 6, 2018

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1 by Ms. Rocío Jiménez September 6, 2018
Welcome to Math 8 – CC3 by Ms. Rocío Jiménez September 6, 2018

2 Contact Information Ms. Rocío Jiménez Math Teacher Room #215 (714) Tutoring in Room # 215 Monday & Thursday 2:30 pm to 3:00pm

3 Topics: Math 8 CC3 Unit 1: CC3 Chapter 1- Problem Solving
Unit 2: CC3 Chapter 2- Simplifying with Variables Unit 3: CC3 Chapter 3- Graphs & Equations Unit 4: CC3 Chapter 4- Multiple Representations Unit 5: CC3 Chapter 5- Systems of Equations Unit 6: CC3 Chapter 6- Transformations & Similarity Unit 7: CC3 Chapter 7- Slope & Association Unit 8: CC3 Chapter 8- Exponents & Functions Unit 9: CC3 Chapter 9- Angles & Pythagorean Theorem Unit 10: CC3 Chapter 10- Surface Area & Volume

4 School Agenda School Agenda Students are required to write
classwork assignments homework assignments **Homework is given every day, including Fridays.

5 Grades 80% Quizzes/Tests 8% HW 12% CW
100% points are available for each unit. The breakdown is as follows: 80% Quizzes/Tests 35% Mastery Check Point Tests (Make up 1 Wk. before semester is over.) 30% Individual Tests (NO Re-do’s or make-ups) 15% Team Tests (Take as a team, NO Re-do’s or make-ups) 8% HW Homework (No Late HW accepted) HW Quizzes 12% CW Classwork Projects (Late CW turn in within 2 wks.)

6 Grades (Continue…) Unit Grades: 100 – 90% A 89 - 80% B 79 – 70% C
59% - 0% F Any missing assignment is considered a zero, as well as cheating on any assignment.

7 Textbooks CC3 Math 8 Book Chromebook charged
Other math material given by teacher.

8 Scientific Calculator
Recommended Supplies 1½” or 2” ring binder Pencils/lead pencils Pens (blue, black & Red) Graph Notebook Paper Straight Edge Scientific Calculator

9 Other Resources At home students can, Watch youtube videos related to the math concepts covered in class. Practice times tables at home. Practice simplifying integer problems. Play math games on internet. Mathplayground: Go to to practice coding. (Helps students think logically.) Practice math problems at Read a book

10 Questions???

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