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Curating Digital Resources Instructor Title/School

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1 Curating Digital Resources Instructor Title/School
Just like museum curators, a 21st century educator must purposefully select, arrange, and contextualize content for their learners. This session will look at the inquiry process that educators should use to select high-quality, credible, and reliable resources, as well as how to use the BCPS One tiles to give students access to curated resources. Outcome: Participants will become familiar with an inquiry process and various curation tools that they can use to give students access to high-quality digital resources. Indicator: Participants will curate self-selected digital resources for student use in the classroom. Instructor Name Instructor Title/School

2 Just like museum curators, a 21st century educator must purposefully select, arrange, and contextualize content for their learners. This session will look at the inquiry process that educators should use to select high- quality, credible, and reliable resources, as well as how to use the BCPS One tiles to give students access to curated resources.

3 To take charge of, organize, pull together, sift through, and select for presentation.
Define curate CURATE (v.)

4 What CURATION decisions do you need to make?
You are 8th grade Social Studies teachers who need primary sources about the American Revolution. Your objective is for students to practice complex text comprehension strategies and synthesize the information into a modern news format. Ask tables/partners to talk this through… then share out. What CURATION decisions do you need to make?

5 Tools Content Reliability Accessibility Support Features
Technical Compatibility Familiarity Compliance Safety* Tools Reliability Accessibility Relevance Readability Appropriateness Modality Support Features Technical Compatibility Hopefully they came up with some of these things… Briefly go through considerations for Content and then Tools Handout the Curation Questions paper and have them read through quietly then reflect with a partner Open the floor for questions Explain the ana Content

6 Teacher So many steps?! How can we make it simpler for teachers? Internet

7 Help is available! The ODL Wiki ( BCPS One
Content offices Briefly explain the Toolbox Index with the icons (ask for suggestions for improvement) Show the approval process Show the database snapshots page Mention that the tools in BCPS One are a good place to start Also that many BCPS content offices have intranet pages with content specific resources Allow participants to explore the MSDE site

8 Delivery Options Option 1 Option 2
Demo the two options for delivery of curated material Option 2

9 Questions?

10 Email me anytime ______
Thank you! DLU reflections are due to by ____ me anytime ______

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