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Past Simple Past Continuous

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Presentation on theme: "Past Simple Past Continuous"— Presentation transcript:

1 Past Simple Past Continuous

2 Past Simple regular affirmative
Yesterday I watched a great film on TV. It started at 8 pm and finished at Regular verbs: -ed

3 Past Simple regular spelling
fit – fitted cry-cried arrive – arrived stop - stopped try-tried like-liked

4 washed dressed walked watched played
My day yesterday I got up at 7 o’clock. I and very quickly. I to school. After school I TV. Then I basketball with my friends. washed dressed walked watched played

5 Past Simple regular negative and questions
Negatives I didn’t start work at 8. Peter didn’t finish his homework yesterday. Questions Did you start work at 8? What time did you start work? Did Peter finish his homework?

6 Make sentences!!!

7 our bus/arrive/on time
Did our bus arrive on time?

8 Sue didn’t phone last night.
Sue/phone/last night Sue didn’t phone last night.

9 Maria/finish/work early yesterday
Maria finished work early yesterday.

10 the train/stop/at Harry’s station
Did the train stop at Harry’s station?

11 I/want/to go to bed early
I wanted to go to bed early.

12 Carlos/answer/my letter
Carlos didn’t answer my letter.

13 the shops/open/on Sunday
The shops didn’t open on Sunday.

14 Peter/like/his new shoes
Did Peter like his new shoes?


16 Past Simple irregular begin have bring know come make do meet drink
run find send fly stand get take give tell go wear began had brought knew came made did met drank ran found sent flew stood got took gave told went wore

17 Past Simple irregular I went to school yesterday.
Affirmative I went to school yesterday. Negative I didn’t go to school yesterday. Questions Did you go to school yesterday? Where did you go yesterday?

18 Make sentences!!!

19 _________________________
you/come When _________________________ to this country? did you come

20 _________________________
not wear Jack _________________________ his raincoat. didn’t wear

21 _________________________
leave Pat _________________________ his coat in the hall. left

22 _________________________
you/write How many pages _________________________ ? did you write

23 _________________________
the teacher/say What _________________________ ? did the teacher say

24 _________________________
you/not/tell _________________________ us your name. You didn’t tell

25 _________________________ to the football match yesterday?
he/go Did he go _________________________ to the football match yesterday?

26 _________________________
not know Ann _________________________ the girl’s name. didn’t know

27 _________________________
the students/take Which books _________________________ to school? did the students take

28 _________________________
not get Jane _________________________ any s. didn’t get

29 Singular Plural I was we were you he they she it
Past Simple: to be Singular Plural I was we were you he they she it

30 Past Simple: to be I was at home yesterday.
Affirmative I was at home yesterday. Dave and Sue were at the cinema last week. Negative I wasn’t at school yesterday. Dave and Sue weren’t at the theatre last week. Questions Where were you yesterday? Were you at school yesterday?

31 Where were they yesterday?

32 wasn’t was Susan ____________________ at work.
She ____________________ at home. was

33 weren’t were The students _______________ at home.
They ____________________ at school. were

34 weren’t were My friends ______________ at the match.
They _________________ at the cinema. were

35 wasn’t was My aunt ____________________ at work.
She ___________________ at the party. was

36 wasn’t was My brother _________________ at home.
He ___________________ at the match. was

37 weren’t were Peter and Mary______________ at home.
They ____________________ at work. were

38 Past Continuous Yesterday at 6.30 pm… I was studying at home.
Affirmative I was studying at home. Dave and Sue were reading a book. Negative I wasn’t studying at school. Dave and Sue weren’t reading a newspaper. Questions What were you studying? Were Dave and Sue reading a magazine?

39 When the teacher came into the class…

40 were playing football. Mike and Jim ________________________

41 were listening to music.
Peter, Robert and Mat ____________________________ were listening to music.

42 was reading a book. John ____________________________

43 was watching a film. Mary __________________________

44 was writing on the board.
Ed _______________________________

45 Past Simple vs. Past Continuous
7 pm 7.30 pm 8 pm Peter was writing a letter when the phone rang. While Peter was writing a letter, the phone rang.

46 Past Simple or Past Continuous?

47 was doing had While Jim _____________________(do) his homework,
he __________________________ (have) an idea. had

48 broke was playing Mike __________________________(break) his leg
when he ___________________________ (play) golf. was playing

49 was working While Chris _____________________(work) in the garden, he _____________________________ (find) an old box. found

50 met was waiting Mark ____________________________(meet) Paula
when he _______________________ (wait) for a train. was waiting

51 was having rang Lucy ___________________________(have) a bath,
when the phone__________________________ (ring). rang

52 saw was walking Pat ___________________________(see) an accident
when he _____________________________ (walk). was walking

53 were going lost The Smiths _______________________(go) on holiday
when they ______________________ (lose) their way. lost

54 was playing The girl _________________________(play) on the beach when it __________________________ (start) to rain. started

55 was jogging fell While Bob ______________________(jog) in the park,
he _____________________________ (fall) down. fell

56 was sitting rang He _________________________(sit) in the classroom
when the bell __________________________ (ring). rang


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