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Please … MONDAY November 28, 2011 PICK UP YOUR VOCAB!

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Presentation on theme: "Please … MONDAY November 28, 2011 PICK UP YOUR VOCAB!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please … MONDAY November 28, 2011 PICK UP YOUR VOCAB!
Take our your Night Books! Take out your Notebooks! And take ALL BAGS off of the desks! MONDAY November 28, 2011

2 Class Objectives Students will be able to …
Utilize Vocab Words when reading Chapter 5 of Night Annotate important facts, names and events Identify important quotes with sticky notes

3 Language Objectives Students will be able to …
Identify Part of Speech and Definition for Week 7 Vocab Use sticky notes to annotate important dates, names and events Find appropriate quotes to support each answer and useMLA citation

4 This FRIDAY Announcement! Announcement! Notebook Collection:
Come to office hours thisTuesday to catch up or fill in any blanks you might have.

5 Due THURSDAY Due FRIDAY Announcement! Vocab Week 7 Homework:
Vocab Week 7 Test: Due FRIDAY

6 Announcement! Top 4 Lunch TODAY! 12:55-1:25 Tysean! Tanekia! Aces:
Zakiyah! OPs: UPs: Malik! Tysean! UPs:

7 Word Puzzle! S T O R E ANSWER: Corner Store

8 Vocab Week 7 Vocab Week 7 Words: Page 41
Vocab Week 7 Homework: Page 42 Vocab Week 7

9 The moment was surreal; no one knew what to believe.
Infernal Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Of or relating to a dreamlike quality The moment was surreal; no one knew what to believe.

10 Infernal Veritable Part of Speech: Adjective Definition:
Of or relating to the real thing; Not imaginary The students at Hogwarts had a veritable feast their first night at school.

11 Infernal Reprieve Part of Speech: Noun Definition:
The suspension of a sentence The man was given a reprieve when his lawyer found that the testifying witness had been lying.

12 Infernal Quiver Part of Speech: Verb Definition:
To shake or move with a slight trembling motion Our dog quivered with fear when we got him to the veterinarian’s office.

13 Twiggy’s emaciated image dominated the fashion world in the 1960s.
Infernal Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Marked by abnormal weight loss; extremely thin Twiggy’s emaciated image dominated the fashion world in the 1960s.

14 Infernal Significance Part of Speech: Noun Definition:
Importance; Consequence; Meaning Social media’s significance has risen exponentially over the past few years.

15 One of Ms. Park’s favorite incentives is the top four lunch!
Infernal Part of Speech: Noun Definition: Something that incites greater action with the prospect of reward One of Ms. Park’s favorite incentives is the top four lunch!

16 Chapter Five Reading Questions
Open your notebooks to page 43. Title this page, Chapter 5 Reading Questions Update your table of contents! Chapter Five Reading Questions

17 Chapter Five Reading Questions
LET’S REVIEW THE READING QUESTIONS!! Chapter Five Reading Questions

18 Please… Take out your Night Books and turn to the beginning of chapter 5 (page 66).

19 CHAPTER 4 REVIEW 1. Why does Elie get whipped by Idek?
Elie gets whipped by Idek because he walks in on Idek during a very private moment. 2. How does the inmate commit suicide during the air raid? The prisoner commits suicide during the air raid by throwing himself into a boiling cauldron of soup. 3. Why is the young man from Warsaw hanged? The young man is hanged because he actively speaks out against the German efforts. He is an idealistic opponent.

20 CHAPTER 4 REVIEW 4. Why does the soup taste better afterwards?
The soup tastes better because Elie is grateful to be alive. 5. Why does the soup taste of corpses after the pipel is hanged? The soup tastes of corpses after the pipel is hanged because no child should be put to death in such a cruel manner. The soup also tastes of corpses because the pipel is a prime example of people being forced to do things outside of their nature; it is an example of infernal cruelty and dehumanization.

21 “The summer was coming to an end. The Jewish year was almost over
“The summer was coming to an end. The Jewish year was almost over. On the eve of Rosh Hashanah, the last day of the cursed year, the entire camp was agitated and every one of us felt the tension” (Wiesel 66). Chapter Page 66

22 “There was joy, yes, joy” (Wiesel 16).
5. Page Number MLA Citation 4. Author’s Last Name “There was joy, yes, joy” (Wiesel 16). “There was joy, yes, joy” (Wiesel 16). “There was joy, yes, joy” (Wiesel 16). “There was joy, yes, joy” (Wiesel 16). “There was joy, yes, joy” (Wiesel 16). “There was joy, yes, joy” (Wiesel 16). “There was joy, yes, joy” (Wiesel 16). 2. End Quote 6. End Parenthesis 3. Beginning Parenthesis 1. Beginning Quote 7. End Punctuation

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