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Pramlintide Synthetic analog of the β-cell hormone amylin

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1 Pramlintide Synthetic analog of the β-cell hormone amylin
Limits postprandial glucose excursions through at least three mechanisms of action Slows gastric emptying Decreases postprandial hypersecretion of glucagon Increases satiety, leading to decreased food intake and potential weight loss In long term clinical trials pramlintide, as an adjunct to mealtime insulin in patients with type 2 and type 1 diabetes, significantly reduced postprandial glucose excursions, A1C, weight and insulin dose DISCUSSION POINTS: Pramlintide limits postprandial glucose concentrations, A1C, weight, and insulin use by slowing gastric emptying, reducing inappropriate postprandial glucagon secretion, and increasing satiety Young. Amylin: Physiology and pharmacology 2005; Edelman, et al. Int J Clin Pract 2006; 60:

2 Summary of Pramlintide Effects Type 1, Recommended Dose
HbA1c -0.1 Placebo + Insulin (n=393)* -0.2 -0.3 Mean (SE) Change in HbA1c -0.4 -0.5 Pramlintide + Insulin (496)* -0.6 -0.7 13 26 39 52 Time (Weeks) 100 Overall Nausea Severe Hypoglycemia 90 80 70 5 60 Incidence 4 50 (%) Event 40 Rate/ 3 30 Subject 2 20 Year 10 1 0-4 4-26 26-52 0-4 4-26 26-52 Time (Weeks) Time (Weeks) * Evaluable Population

3 Pramlintide Phase 3 Studies Type 1 Diabetes HbA1c Effect for Total Population (ITT, 6 months)
(US) (Eur) (US) +0.1 Pbo + Insulin 30/60QID + Ins 90BID + Ins 60TID + Ins 90TID + Ins Pbo + Insulin 60TID + Ins 60QID + Ins n=147 Pbo + Insulin n=147 -0.1 n=144 n=154 n=234 -0.2 n=148 n=161 Mean (SE) D HbA1c (%) -0.3 P=0.007 n=164 -0.4 n=243 P=0.013 * -0.5 P=0.012 * -0.6 P<0.001 * Dosage Recommendation: Initiate at 30 µg 3-4 times/day Maintenance 30 or 60 µg 3-4 times/day

4 Addition of Pramlintide to Insulin Reduces HbA1c in Type 1 Diabetes
ITT Stable Insulin Placebo + Insulin n=154 Pram 60 TID + Insulin n=164 Pram 60 QID + Insulin n=161 P=0.011 P=0.001 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.2 13 26 39 52 Weeks P=0.012 Mean HbA1c Change from Baseline (%) Weeks -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.2 P=0.015 P=0.003 P=0.007 P=0.017 HbA1c Change from Baseline (%) 13 26 39 52 Placebo + Insulin n=36 Pram 60 TID + Insulin n=30 Pram 60 QID + Insulin n=30 Mean (SE) Placebo + Insulin Pram 60 TID + Insulin Pram 60 QID + Insulin

5 Pramlintide Therapy Results in Greater Reduction in HbA1c Than Insulin Alone in Type 1 Diabetes, Recommended Doses (Week 26) Worse Improved 100 90 10 80 20 70 30 60 40 Cumulative Percent  Cumulative Percent  50 50 40 60 30 70 20 80 10 90 100 -2 -1.5 -1 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 Change in HbA (%) From Baseline 1C Placebo Pramlintide 30/60 QID Pramlintide 60 TID Pramlintide 60 QID

6 Pramlintide Facilitates Achievement of ADA Targets Type 1 Diabetes, Week 26
Placebo + Insulin Pramlintide Recommended Doses Achieved 8% or Less Achieved 7% or Less 28% 7% 47% 14% Pooled data

7 Adverse Event Profile for Type 1 Diabetes Frequent TEAEs (% of Subjects), Overall Incidence > 5%, Excluding Hypoglycemia Placebo N=538 Pramlintide N=1179 Nausea Anorexia Vomiting Abdominal pain Fatigue Dizziness Dyspepsia 17 (1 severe) 51 (7 severe)

8 Risk for Severe Hypoglycemia Decreases over Time Type 1 Diabetes, All Patients
0.06 Placebo + Insulin Pramlintide + Insulin 0.05 0.04 Risk 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 Weeks RT O’Neill Drug Information Journal; 21: 9-20, 1987.

9 Severe Hypoglycemia Annual Event Rate by Dose Type 1 Diabetes
Weeks 0-4 5 4 Mean (SE) 3 Event Rate Per Subject 2 Year 1 Placebo + Ins Pram 30 QID + Ins Pram 60 TID + Ins Pram 60 QID + Ins Pram 90 BID + Ins Pram 90 TID + Ins

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