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Stages of a Stream’s Life

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1 Stages of a Stream’s Life
Aim: How do streams change over time?

2 I. Stages of a Streams Life
A stream passes through a series of stages in its lifetime each having certain characteristics. 3 Main Life Cycle Stages Youth Maturity Old Age Oh Man! Look at the curves on that… STREAM

3 A. Youth Narrow V-shaped Downcutting Fast velocity Steep gradient
EROSION IS DOMINANT Example- Colorado River

4 B. Maturity Meanders develop Floodplains develop Gradient Lowers

5 C. Old Age Wide meanders Wide floodplains Low velocity Low gradient
DYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM-between erosion and deposition Example- Mississippi River


7 D. Watershed Geographic area drained by a particular river or stream; drainage basin

8 E. Tributary A stream that flows into another larger stream.

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