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Observation & Inference

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Presentation on theme: "Observation & Inference"— Presentation transcript:

1 Observation & Inference

2 Observations Any information collected with the senses.
Quantitative – measureable or countable 3 meters long 4 marbles 50 kilograms 35 degrees Celsius Qualitative – describable, not measureable red flowers smells like fresh baked cookies Tastes bitter The skill of describing scientific events

3 Inference Conclusions or deductions based on observations. The process of drawing a conclusion from given evidence. Practice: Observations: I hear people screaming I smell cotton candy, popcorn, and hamburgers I see a lot of people Inference = ?

4 Look at these two sets of animal tracks.

5 Now what do you think? Make 3 OBSERVATIONS Make an INFERENCE

6 Now what do you think? Make 3 OBSERVATIONS Make an INFERENCE

7 Practice! You walk out of a movie theatre and see this:
What do you observe? Infer?

8 You see this run past you:
Observations? Inferences?

9 All the students bring their own lunches from home
All the students bring their own lunches from home. What do you infer from this?

10 In noon and you look out the window to see this:
Observe? Infer?

11 You notice a student walking out of the principal’s office looking very depressed and sad. What do you infer?

12 All the students came to school on Tuesday, but no one came on Monday
All the students came to school on Tuesday, but no one came on Monday. What do you infer? Can we prove this inference? How?

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