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Optimizing Significant Node Discovery in Multilayer Networks

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1 Optimizing Significant Node Discovery in Multilayer Networks
Lab Logo Optimizing Significant Node Discovery in Multilayer Networks SEAP Student: Kushagro Bhattacharjee Saratoga High School Class of 2017 Mentor: Dr. Ralucca Gera Department of Applied Mathematics and Center for Cyber Warfare Project Dates: 20 June – 12 August Project Objective and Research Approach: In social networks, some people are friendly and some are the enemy or at least people of interest. Both groups of people interact (communication, activities, financials…). Can we use the interactions to make any determinations about the enemy footprint in the area of operations? Approach: Created and implemented an algorithm to identify target nodes within multilayered social networks: Multilayered Connotation Algorithm for Discovery (MultiConn) Results / Accomplishments The algorithm we introduced, MultiConn: prints out a list of the nodes of interest based on their negative connotation plots the Nodes of Interest found vs. the Number of Monitors gone through for multiple networks Next Steps: Future plans include incorporating a variety of choices for monitor types for MultiConn implementation, such as seeing edges between neighbors and 2 or 3 step neighbors Distribution type Type

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