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Sexual Reproduction in Plants Involves production of haploid gametes.

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1 Sexual Reproduction in Plants Involves production of haploid gametes


3 What is the function of this fruit?

4 Asexual Reproduction in Plants Produces offspring genetically identical to parent Also known as vegetative reproduction

5 Methods A. Stolons, or runners: horizontal, above-ground stems example: Bermuda grass, strawberries

6 B. Bulbs: underground stems with modified leaves examples: onion, daffodil, tulip

7 C. Rhizomes: horizontal, underground stems examples: ferns, irises

8 D. Tubers: underground stems example: potato

9 Germination Water and oxygen are needed for a seed to sprout. Germination: process in which a plant embryo resumes its growth. The first sign of germination is the emergence of the root, or radicle


11 Plant Life Spans 1.Perennials: live for several years May reproduce often during their life May be deciduous or evergreen Stems woody or herbaceous Examples: trees, shrubs, daffodils, vines


13 Annuals: complete their life cycle in one growing season. Almost all are herbaceous. Examples include sunflowers, beans, corn, many weeds.

14 Biennials: take two growing seasons to complete their life cycle. Produce flowers during the 2 nd season Examples include carrots and onions

15 Plant Growth and Development I. Nutrients 1.Carbon dioxide and water for photosynthesis 2.Oxygen for cellular respiration 3.Minerals needed for growth Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium Magnesium for photosynthesis

16 II. Hormones 1. Auxin is a growth-promoting chemical that causes stems to bend. Auxin accumulates on the dark side of a plant and causes the cells to elongate.



19 2. Another hormone is ethylene, which is a gas. Ethylene stimulates fruit ripening. 3. Cytokinins – stimulate cytokinesis, or cell division. 4. Gibberellins – produce dramatic increases in size

20 Environmental Influences I.Tropisms: responses in which plants grow either toward or away from a stimulus A. The bending of a plant toward the light is a positive phototropism. B. The downward growth of roots is a positive gravitropism. C. The upward growth of shoots is a negative gravitropism.

21 D.Thigmotropism is a response to touch. Coiling of a vine around a trellis is a positive thigmotropism.

22 II.Nastic movements are rapid, reversible responses to non-directional stimuli. Examples include opening and closing of flowers and closing of a Venus fly trap

23 III. Photoperiodism The response of a plant to the length of days and nights. Long-day plants produce flowers when days are longer than a certain number of hours. Examples: Irises

24 Short-day plants produce flowers when days are shorter than a certain number of hours. Examples: Poinsettias

25 Day-neutral plants do not require specific day lengths to flower. Examples include roses, potatoes

26 Plant life cycles alternate between producing spores and gametes. A two-phase life cycle is called alternation of generations. –haploid phase –diploid phase –alternates between the two fertilization meiosis SPOROPHYTE PHASE GAMETOPHYTE PHASE

27 –moss gametophytes look like green carpet –moss sporophytes shoot up as stalklike structures sporophyte (2n) gametophyte (1n) capsule spores (1n)

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