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6-Address Scheme for TGs Mesh

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1 6-Address Scheme for TGs Mesh
September 2006 6-Address Scheme for TGs Mesh Date: Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at K. Kim et al.

2 Outline September 2006 Background
Review of 4-Address Scheme and WDS in 6-Address Scheme New data frame format Addressing Examples MP to MP STA to STA Interworking: STA to External STA Summary and Discussions Straw Poll Motion K. Kim et al.

3 September 2006 Background This proposal is to resolve several major comments including CID #183: Rules for handling legacy STAs CID #205: Encapsulation format to transmit frames via a root MP in HWMP The current 4-address scheme cannot efficiently support all cases of routing & forwarding in mesh networks where frames between legacy STAs associated with MAPs are delivered through multiple MPs, including redirecting MPPs ( Examples). The use of proxy tables (e.g., [1,2]) neither handles the case of redirecting MPPs unless carrying extra information, nor is a scalable solution for frame forwarding at intermediate MPs. The encapsulation proposal in [3] incurs rather large overhead due to unnecessary duplication of several header fields. The 6-address scheme (e.g., [1]) would be desirable not only for TGs mesh networks but also for other applications in the future. However, MP to MP end-to-end traffic does not need the 6-address scheme – selective use is possible. K. Kim et al.

4 Review of 4-Address Scheme and WDS in 802.11 (1)
September 2006 Review of 4-Address Scheme and WDS in (1) What is the (W)DS in existing standards? No notion of true multi-hopping through nodes. A kind of shared media/hub/L2 switching implicitly assumed. At most 1 hop from each other node See the example on the right (given in [4]). Hence not a proper model for the s wireless mesh networks. K. Kim et al.

5 Review of 4-Address Scheme and WDS in 802.11 (2)
September 2006 Review of 4-Address Scheme and WDS in (2) TGs mesh networks are different from the WDS described in the current standard. Multi-hopping through MPs (i.e., more than one hops from a source to a destination in general) Existence of MPPs that can redirect incoming frames to other MPPs or destination MPs/MAPs by remapping of address fields In tree-based routing in HWMP In interworking with outside mesh Tunneling between portals (e.g., for wireless bridging) K. Kim et al.

6 6-Address Scheme (1) Mesh Header September 2006
Octets:2 2 6 6 6 2 6 2 4~16 0-tbd 4 FCS Frame Control Dur Address 1 RA Address 2 TA Address 3 DA Seq Control Address 4 SA Qos Control Mesh Header Payload Octets: 1 Mesh E2E Seq Number 2 Time To Live 1 12 Mesh Flags (Optional) Mesh Addressing Bit 0: Address Extension (AE) Bits 1-7: Reserved for future use Address 5 (6 octets) Address 6 (6 octets) These fields are always present in mesh frames. Mesh Header K. Kim et al.

7 11s MAC Header (up to Mesh TTL field)
September 2006 6-Address Scheme (2) To DS From DS AE Flag Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Address 5 Address 6 RA=DA TA=SA BSSID N/A N/P* N/P 1 TA=BSSID SA RA=BSSID DA RA TA Mesh DA Mesh SA * N/P = Not Present 11s MAC Header (up to Mesh TTL field) Address 5 Address 6 Frame Body FCS When the AE flag = 0, all fields have their existing meaning, and there exist no “Address 5” and “Address 6” fields – this assures compatibility with existing hardware and/or firmware. K. Kim et al.

8 6-Address Scheme – Address Mapping Principle
September 2006 6-Address Scheme – Address Mapping Principle The ordering of the addresses should be from the innermost to the outermost “connections” ( More examples) Address 1 & 2 for endpoints of a link between RX and TX Address 3 & 4 for endpoints of a mesh path between a destination and a source MP Including MPPs and MAPs Address 5 & 6 for endpoints of an (end-to-end) 802 communication A series of mesh paths connected at MPPs (e.g., TBR in HWMP) or An 802 path between legacy STAs (including nodes outside the mesh) or Any mixture of them (e.g., an MP to an STA or vice versa). MP MP MPP MP MP link link link link mesh path mesh path 802 communication K. Kim et al.

9 Addressing Examples: Network Configuration
September 2006 Addressing Examples: Network Configuration STA3 Consider the following three cases for different types of path selection modes/protocols: STA1 → STA2 Through MP2 and MP3 for HWMP on-demand routing and RA-OLSR Through MPP for HWMP TBR MP1 → MP4 Only for HWMP TBR STA1 → STA3 For all three protocols/modes Wired L2 Network MPP (Root) Mesh Network MP3 MP2 MP4 MP1 MAP2 MAP1 STA1 STA2 K. Kim et al.

10 Addressing Examples: Operational Assumptions
September 2006 Addressing Examples: Operational Assumptions Maintenance of STA association information* HWMP In on-demand routing**, each MAP/MPP locally maintains its STA association and responds to an RREQ message if any of destination addresses matches one of its associated STAs. In TBR, the Root maintains a global mapping table for all MPs and STAs in the mesh (i.e., Registration assumed; see 11A of [5]). RA-OLSR Each MAP/MPP broadcasts its associated STAs to other MAPs/MPPs using LABA (see 11A of [5]). Each MAP/MPP maintains LAB & GAB for mapping STAs to their associated MAPs (see 11A of [5]). ** The current RREP messages has no provisioning for this scheme, i.e., it needs to be modified to specify MAP as a (proxy) destination. Address for associated STAs. * External STA (i.e., in wired networks) association at MPPs can be treated same way as wireless STAs. ** RREQ/RREP messages need to be modified as in slide #9 of [2]. K. Kim et al.

11 Example 1a: STA to STA not via Root Portal
September 2006 Example 1a: STA to STA not via Root Portal STA1 Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 MAP1 STA1 STA2 N/A MAP1 Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Address 5 Address 6 MP2 MAP1 MAP2 STA2 STA1 MP2 Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Address 5 Address 6 MP3 MP2 MAP2 MAP1 STA2 STA1 MP3 Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Address 5 Address 6 MAP2 MP3 MAP1 STA2 STA1 MAP2 Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 STA2 MAP2 STA1 N/A STA2 K. Kim et al.

12 Example 1b: STA to STA via Root Portal
September 2006 Example 1b: STA to STA via Root Portal STA1 Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 MAP1 STA1 STA2 N/A MAP1 Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Address 5 Address 6 MP2 MAP1 ROOT STA2 STA1 MP2 Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Address 5 Address 6 ROOT MP2 MAP1 STA2 STA1 Root Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Address 5 Address 6 MP3 ROOT MAP2 STA2 STA1 MP3 Because of the mapping principle in slide #10, the “Address 4 (source of mesh path)” is to be updated at the Root portal, i.e., “MAP1” -> “Root”; alternatively, we can keep the original mesh source information (MAP1) in “Address 4” so that the destination MAP (MAP2) knows the association between “MAP1” and “STA1”. But, what’s the benefit of the latter approach? Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Address 5 Address 6 MAP2 MP3 ROOT STA2 STA1 MAP2 Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 STA2 MAP2 STA1 N/A Root maps STA2 to MAP2 STA2 K. Kim et al.

13 Example 2: STA to External STA
September 2006 Example 2: STA to External STA STA1 Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 MAP1 STA1 STA3 N/A MAP1 Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Address 5* Address 6* MP2 MAP1 MPP STA3 STA1 MP2 Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Address 5 Address 6 MPP MP2 MAP1 STA3 STA1 MPP DA SA STA3 MPP** STA3 Non (i.e., Ethernet) frame * Intermediate MPs (here MP2) don’t have to process these fields. ** Ethernet address of MPP’s interface to a wired network K. Kim et al.

14 Example 3: MP to MP Via Root Portal
September 2006 Example 3: MP to MP Via Root Portal MP1 Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Address 5 Address 6 MP2 MP1 ROOT MP4 MP2 Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Address 5 Address 6 Root MP2 ROOT MP1 MP4 Root Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 MP3 ROOT MP4 MP1 MP3 Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 MP4 MP3 MP1 MP4 K. Kim et al.

15 Summary and Discussions
September 2006 Summary and Discussions A number of open comments depend on the proposed scheme. CID #183, #205, #207, #58, #217, #155, .... Considered both intra-mesh communications and interworking with external wired networks. The 6-address scheme protects the origin and destination fields with encryption and thus increases the security of the overall approach. The use of two additional address fields (i.e., “Address 5/6”) is optional, and their existence is indicated by the AE flag 0. The 6-address scheme may have applications beyond TGs. That suggests this feature should be documented as a delta on the baseline standard rather than a mesh specific feature. Regarding frame aggregation/encapsulation, this proposal is compatible with TGn’s MPDU aggregation scheme ( Details). To recap two major points of rationale behind this proposal: Maximize backward compatibility Increase flexibility in adding more functionality in the future K. Kim et al.

16 6-Address Scheme: Frame Format Consideration
September 2006 6-Address Scheme: Frame Format Consideration Encrypted Octets:2 2 6 6 6 2 6 2 4 12 0-tbd 4 FCS Frame Control Dur Address 1 RA Address 2 TA Address 3 DA Seq Control Address 4 SA Qos Control Mesh Forwarding Control Mesh Addressing Field Payload Bits: 0-7 Mesh E2E Seq Number Bits: 8-23 Time To Live Bits: 0-7 Address 5 (If AE flag = 1) Octets:6 Address 6 (If AE flag = 1) Mesh Flags Bit 0: Address Extension (AE) Bits 1-7: Reserved for future use These fields are always present in mesh frames. Mesh Forwarding Header K. Kim et al.

17 6-Address Scheme Straw Poll
September 2006 6-Address Scheme Straw Poll Shall we accept the 6-address scheme and prepare texts based on it for possible approval during the September TGs meeting? Yes: 33 No: 5 Abstain: 7 K. Kim et al.

18 September 2006 Proposed Changes Changes are proposed in the following clauses (see [6] for details): 7.1.2: Change of Mac frame format a: Descriptions of the new “Mesh Header” field 11A.4.4: Update of the descriptions of data message forwarding based on mesh forwarding extension K. Kim et al.

19 September 2006 Motion Move to adopt the changes to P802.11s/D0.03 provided in the IEEE doc /1464r1. Moved by: Seconded by: Results (Yes/No/Abstain): K. Kim et al.

20 September 2006 References L. Chu et al., “ST+UCLA TGs Mesh Network Proposal,” IEEE /0379r0. H. Gossain et al., “Packet Forwarding for Non-routable Devices in Multi-hop Wireless Mesh,” IEEE /0661r0. J. Kruys and S. Rahman, “Mesh Encapsulation”, Rev. 3. D. Engwer, “’WDS’ Clarifications,” IEEE /0710r0. IEEE P802.11s/D0.03 K. Kim et al., “Proposed Texts for TGs Comment Resolution,” IEEE /1464r1. K. Kim et al.

21 September 2006 Backup Slides K. Kim et al.

22 6-Address Scheme – Examples for Link/Mesh Path/Connection (1)
September 2006 6-Address Scheme – Examples for Link/Mesh Path/Connection (1) MP MP link (= mesh path) MP MP MP MP MP link link link link mesh path STA STA MAP MP MP MP MAP link link link link link link mesh path 802 communication K. Kim et al.

23 6-Address Scheme – Examples for Link/Mesh Path/Connection (2)
September 2006 6-Address Scheme – Examples for Link/Mesh Path/Connection (2) MP MP MPP MP MP link link link link mesh path mesh path 802 communication STA STA MAP MP MPP MP MAP link link link link link link mesh path mesh path 802 communication K. Kim et al.

24 6-Address Scheme – Examples for Link/Mesh Path/Connection (3)
September 2006 6-Address Scheme – Examples for Link/Mesh Path/Connection (3) STA MP MP MPP MP MAP link link link link link mesh path mesh path 802 communication Wired Network STA External STA MAP1 MP MPP MP MPP link link link link link mesh path mesh path 802 communication K. Kim et al.

25 A-MPDU Aggregation Robust Structure A purely-MAC function
September 2006 A-MPDU Aggregation Robust Structure A purely-MAC function PHY has no knowledge of MPDU boundaries Simplest MAC-PHY interface Control and data MPDUs can be aggregated Limited to a single rate summary deck K. Kim et al.

26 A-MSDU Efficient Structure MSDUs of the same TID can be aggregated
September 2006 A-MSDU Efficient Structure MSDUs of the same TID can be aggregated Error recovery is expensive K. Kim et al.

27 Bursting Does not support multiple responses from multiple receivers
September 2006 Bursting No idle gap Normal ACK policy Np Ns PSDU Ns PSDU Ns PSDU xIFS Np Ns PSDU Ns PSDU Ns PSDU Non-normal ACK Last PSDU bit Np = N-Preamble Ns = N-Signal robust encoding rate Sequence of MPDUs or PSDUs from same transmitter on-the-fly aggregation Reduced inter-frame spacing 0 usec if at same Tx power level and PHY configuration 2 usec otherwise (with preamble) Multiple RAs allowed within the burst multiple rates within burst allows varying TX power within burst Block Ack Request and Block Ack frames allowed within the burst Does not support multiple responses from multiple receivers K. Kim et al.

28 On the Use of TGn Frame Aggregation Schemes in TGs
September 2006 On the Use of TGn Frame Aggregation Schemes in TGs The A-MPDU structure seems simplest and best suited for Mesh applications The A-MSDU structure requires overhead that seems to add no value Bursting is something that happens “below the horizon” Considering that TGn does work on features that TGs can leverage, there is no need for TGs to spend (more) time on aggregation, other than encouraging TGn to make sure the A-MSDU makes it to the TGN amendment K. Kim et al.

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