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NRN Peer-to-Peer Training Workshop:

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1 NRN Peer-to-Peer Training Workshop:
“Networking for Innovation in the RDPs” Ghent, Belgium 18-19 March 2014

2 Day 1 (from 13:00) Day 2 (to 16:00) Introduction Setting the Scene
What do need to make networking for innovation happen? Introduction Setting the Scene Networking for Innovation in Networking & Innovation …. what do we know? Cross-cutting LEADER EIP-AGRI Social evening

3 Workshop Objectives

4 1. Showcase some existing relevant examples of “networking for innovation” 2. Identify and discuss specific activities that can be included in the action and / or work plans of NRNs for helping to promote and support innovation

5 3. If relevant, also highlight any relevant decisions / actions that need to be made regarding the programming and / or set-up of the NRNs / NSUs for promoting and supporting innovation

6 Workshop 1: Networking and innovation as a cross-cutting theme in RDPs
Workshop 2: LEADER and innovation in Workshop 3: The role of NRNs in implementing the EIP-AGRI

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