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The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Ministry of Water and Irrigation Jordan Valley Authority RSDS- Phase I Desalination of (80-100) MCM/yr at Aqaba.

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Presentation on theme: "The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Ministry of Water and Irrigation Jordan Valley Authority RSDS- Phase I Desalination of (80-100) MCM/yr at Aqaba."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Ministry of Water and Irrigation Jordan Valley Authority RSDS- Phase I Desalination of (80-100) MCM/yr at Aqaba

2 Why Jordan Needs The Red Dead Sea- Dead sea Project To provide additional freshwater to cover the deficits in all governorates To save the Dead Sea from Extinction

3 Supply vs Demand 20152020202520302035 MCM/Yr DemandSupplyDeficitDemandSupplyDeficitDemandSupplyDeficitDemandSupplyDeficitDemand SupplyDeficit Base Deficit 345.6321.0-39.8391.0321.0-70.0429.6321.0-108.5472.0321.0-150.9518.5321.0-197.5 Add 25%(15% Physical Losses, 10% Influx from neighboring Countries 240.8-104.8 240.8-150.2 240.8-188.8 240.8-231.2 240.8-277.7 Add Reduction of over abstraction 0.0 -16.1 -32.1 -48.2 -64.2 Total Deficit in the Kingdom w/o Disi -104.8 -166.3 -220.9 -279.3 -342.0 Disi 100.0 Kingdom with Disi -4.8 -66.3 -120.9 -179.3 -242.0

4 Ministry of Water and Irrigation



7 Proposed Project- RSDS- Phase I As A follow-up on the WB Study The Regional Countries are in agreement to start the implementation of an initial phase to fulfil the concept of: Rapid initiation of RSDS Regional Project with Initial Phase I, Initiating the infrastructure elements of all subsequent project phases

8 8 Completed Studies 1. Feasibility Study Coyne et Bellier 2. Environmental and ERM Social Assessment 3. Study of Alternatives Professors Allan, Tsur and Malkawi 4. Red Sea Modeling Study Thetis 5. Dead Sea Modeling Study Tahal Red Sea – Dead Sea Water Conveyance Study Program WB Study Multi-Stakeholder Consultations

9 Agreed Project to be Implemented RSDS-Phase I Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed on Dec 9, 2013 between Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, and Israel at the World Bank in Washington DC, in which all parties agreed to start the implementation of the first phase of the RSDS project on BoT basis. Following up on this MoU, bi-lateral agreements will be signed between Jordan and Israel and Palestinian Authority and Israel soon; these agreements will include all the details of the agreements between the parties. This project RSDS-Phase I (Red Sea Desalination Project at Aqaba) is a result of a joint initiative to promote regional cooperation among Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority (the Beneficiary Parties). It is undertaken in the context of the urgent need for potable water in the Region.

10 Infrastructure Component RSDS- Phase I Sea Water Conveyance Red Sea Intake Structure Intake Pump Station Intake pipes through Ayla Sea Water Pipeline from Ayla to Treatment Facility Pre-Treatment and Desalination Treatment Facility/ North Shore Desalination Facility/ North Shore Pump Station to Fresh Water Reservoir Fresh Water Conveyance Fresh Water Pump Station to Termination point & Aqaba Terminal Reservior Fresh Water Pumped Pipeline to Israel Fresh Water Pumped Pipeline to Aqaba Desalination Brine Management Brine Pipeline from Desalination to Al-Rishah Top Reservoir @ High Point - Al-Rishah Brine Pipeline from High Point to Dead Sea Pump stations 1&2 from Desalination to Ar Rishah Pressure Reducing Stations 1&2 Direct Brine Discharge structure (40% of Total CAPEX Cost) Ancillary facilities Electrical Instruments Chlorination Scada

11 1400 mm, L=205Km 2 pipes, 1400 mm, L=15Km 800 mm, L=48Km 900 mm, L=22Km Desalination of (80-100)MCM/yr at Aqaba

12 Next Step Preparation of RFP for the Selection and Assignment of a Specialized Engineering Firms to prepare Preliminary Design, Legal and Financial Terms, and Tender Documents based on BoT and PPP participation. DRAFT RFP is AVAILABLE Implementation Schedule ActivityDuration Preparation of Tender Documents 12 months: Starts in Feb, 2014 Tendering of Contract for BOT Contractors Nov, 2014 Award of Contract and financial close with preferred bidder May, 2015 Beginning of Construction Phase Aug, 2015 Duration of Construction 30 months ( Feb, 2018)

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