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Jefferson as President

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1 Jefferson as President
Chapter 5.2

2 Jefferson streamlines government
Encouraged Congress to drop the Alien and Sedition Acts He reduced taxes and still managed to pay the national debt down from $80 million to $57 million by 1809 Did this by Cutting the army and navy Increased customs revenue Sale of federal lands

3 John Marshall Shapes the Supreme Court
John Marshall – Made Chief Justice of Supreme Court when Jefferson became President in 1801 asserted the power of judicial review – reviewing acts of Congress and deciding if they are constitutional Marbury v. Madison established judicial review

4 Judicial Review John Adams at the last minute appointed William Marbury to be a district judge James Madison, incoming Sec of State, refused to deliver the appointment papers Marbury complained to Supreme Court Marshall ruled in Madison’s favor by declaring part of the Judicial Act of 1789 unconstitutional This decision est. judicial review, setting a precedent for the judicial branch Marbury v. Madison

5 Jefferson wanted to expand the country to the Pacific
Louisiana Territory Jefferson wanted to expand the country to the Pacific Planned to take it from Spain Instead Napoleon Bonaparte of France took it Jefferson had James Monroe and Robert Livingston offer to buy New Orleans

6 Napoleon did not have an army to occupy Louisiana so he agreed to sell
Louisiana Territory Napoleon did not have an army to occupy Louisiana so he agreed to sell Purchased for $15 million

7 Constitution Constitution did not allow the federal gov’t to buy land from a foreign country The Louisiana Purchase contradicted Jefferson’s constitutional principles of a minimal federal gov’t

8 They led the Corps of Discovery
Exploration Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the new territory They led the Corps of Discovery Guided by Sakakawea and her trapper husband

9 Britain British began confiscating American ships because they were becoming a commercial competitor Then they began kidnapping American sailors from the ships and forcing them to serve in the British Navy – impressment by 1812, 6,000 Americans forced to serve on British ships Then the British attacked the Chesapeake

10 Jefferson did not want to build a bigger navy to combat the British
Embargo Jefferson did not want to build a bigger navy to combat the British He had Congress declare an embargo American ships forced to stay in port It was supposed to hurt the British but it hurt Americans His popularity plummeted. Lifted embargo towards end of his presidency

11 Becomes the 4th President of the United States.
James Madison Becomes the 4th President of the United States.

12 Works Cited Werner-Lepsansky, Emma J., et al. United States History. Pearson Education Inc: United States, Print.

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