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Class Mammalia.

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1 Class Mammalia

2 General Characteristics
Bilaterally symmetrical Hair Mammary glands (produces milk) Nurse young Endothermic (warm blooded) Unique inner ear – Incus, Malleus, Stapes Dioecious - Internal fertilization Diphyodonty – Two teeth (replace teeth once) Lower Jaw – Made of one bone attached directly to head (improved power)

3 Heterodont dentition Specialized teeth with different function Birth to live young Produce a placenta (usually) – nourishing fetus (similar to yolk sac in reptiles/birds)

4 Mammalian Orders 6 Major Orders: 1.) Order Rodentia
2.) Order Artiodactyla 3.) Order Carnivora 4.) Order Cetacea 5.) Order Primates 6.) Order Monotremata

5 Order Rodentia Rodents!
Mice, squirrels, gophers, beavers, & guinea pigs Many have been pests Have continuously growing incisors Incisors = front teeth Must gnaw to keep short

6 Have a short breeding cycle
Largest group of mammals

7 Order Artiodactyla Pigs, hippos, camels, deer, sheep, etc. 220 species
Means “even-toed” – they lost the first (many have shortened the 2nd and 5th

8 Mostly obligate herbivorous/grazing animals Suinae (hogs/pigs)
Are omnivorous – eat both

9 Order Carnivora Meat eaters! Canines, cats, bears, raccoons, seals, otters, walruses, etc. 260 species Are predatory

10 Enhanced vision and hearing
Have special teeth and/or claws to take down prey

11 Order Cetacea Whales and dolphins Have blubber for insulation Up and down movement of tail (unlike side to side by fish) All aquatic Highly intelligent

12 Use sonar to locate food

13 Order Primates Gorillas, chimps, orangutans, humans, monkeys, lemurs Bipedal – stand on two feet Adaptations for tree-living Strong limbs with opposable digits

14 Generally largest brain:body ratio
Small ants & small birds Extensive parental care

15 Order Monotremata Duck Billed Platypus and Echidnas (spiny anteater)
Only mammals to lay eggs Have a single opening called a cloaca for urination, defecation, and reproductive Platypus has a poisonous barb on the back foot

16 Order Monotremata Poison Barb Echindas

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