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Pacific Statistics Standing Committee meeting, Nadi, Fiji,

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Pacific Statistics Standing Committee meeting, Nadi, Fiji, 1 November, 2018 Michael Sharp Statistics for Development Division

2 Purpose and content Present to PSSC the gap in the figures
Present to PSSC the 5-year national statistics collection plan Present to PSSC opportunities where efficiencies can be gained Present recommendation to PSSC

3 Indicator gaps: heavy reliance on national statistical collections
Under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – and through global, regional, national, there is unprecedented demand for timely and reliable statistics. Meeting the demand for disaggregated population and related data is highly dependent on core national statistical collections. For example, 95 of the 231 indicators under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), distributed among 14 of the 17 goals, require high quality disaggregated population data generated from the census; a further 71 are household-based and mainly informed through household survey data. In the case of the Pacific, a combination of DHS or MICS and HIES will result in the production of data for around 65 of the 132 Pacific subset of indicators under the Sustainable Development Goals. This is evidenced when looking at PNG, who have a recent DHS and HIES. The gaps presented in the table will be closed if the Pacific can effectively execute the 5-year national statistics collection plan.

4 5-year national statistics collection plan

5 5-year national statistics collection plan, by collection

6 5-year national statistics collection plan: Census schedule
Yellow shaded = UN Member

7 5-year national statistics collection plan: HIES schedule
Yellow shaded = IDA Member

8 5-year national statistics collection plan: MICS, DHS (MICS-DHS; DHS-MICS; SIS) schedule
Yellow shaded = UN Member

9 5-year national statistics collection plan: “Other” schedule
Yellow shaded = UN Member

10 Efficiencies can be gained

11 Throughout the statistical collection cycle
Planning and budgeting Sample design and operation plan Questionnaire, data capture, instruments Manuals, pilot test and training Field operations Data processing Reporting and metadata documentation Dissemination Capacity transfer

12 Integrate documentation
Planning and budgeting Sample design and operation plan Questionnaire, data capture, instruments Manuals, pilot test and training Field operations Data processing Reporting and metadata documentation Dissemination Metadata documentation written at design phase Populates part of the report Populates metadata documentation Pre defined sample design template Only do it once Capacity transfer

13 Standardised methodologies
Regionally standardised methodologies Field operation schedule Modulated questionnaire to meet data needs Classifications Data capture systems Training and resource materials Data processing methodologies Reporting Metadata documentation Standardised (harmonised) data structures Technology and software Planning and budgeting Sample design and operation plan Questionnaire, data capture, instruments Manuals, pilot test and training Field operations Data processing Reporting and metadata documentation Dissemination Capacity transfer

14 Use what we have before we collect more
Planning and budgeting Sample design and operation plan Questionnaire, data capture, instruments Manuals, pilot test and training Field operations Data processing Reporting and metadata documentation Dissemination Use what we have before we collect more Do the data already exist (e.g., labour force, education, disability, agriculture) Drop modules Exploit administrative data Let the data user drive the need (demand driven, not supply driven) Hold users accountable Capacity transfer

15 Align collections for regional roll out
Time PICT A Plan Sample Instruments Training Field work Data processing Report and dissem° PICT B Plan Sample Instruments Training Field work Data processing Report and dissem° PICT C Plan Sample Instruments Training Field work Data processing Report and dissem° PICT D Plan Sample Instruments Training Field work Data processing Report and dissem°

16 Align collections for regional roll out
Time Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 PICT A Plan Sample Instruments Training Field work Data processing Report and dissem° PICT B Plan Sample Instruments Training Field work Data processing Report and dissem° Example: regional MICS PICT C Plan Sample Instruments Training Field work Data processing Report and dissem° PICT D Plan Sample Instruments Training Field work Data processing Report and dissem°

17 Optimised collection schedules
The schedule of statistical collections demonstrates that efficient and integrated statistical collection cycles are not always followed. The figure on the slide presents an integrated 10-year collection cycle and work plan that is considered to be efficient and takes advantage of master sampling frames derived from censuses. The advantages of adopting such a collection cycle are: A cost-effective approach that achieves economies of scale through one-off investment in certain activities or goods for the collection cycle, such a conducting the household listing or purchasing tablets for data capture. This will reduce the per unit (marginal) cost as fixed costs will be spread over an increased number of collections. It allows for the establishment of core enumeration teams, or collection specialists within NSOs, who benefit from regular employment and who specialise in statistical collections, which will improve data quality and reduce the requirement for repetitive training before each collection. The use of a master sampling frame in a structured collection cycle allows for linking of datasets through the use of common household and/or individual identifiers, which presents a significant opportunity for exploiting various components of datasets to make more targeted and informed policy interventions. A fixed schedule of collections allows for all stakeholders to coordinate and plan their contribution to the collection. A fixed collection cycle allows for a modulated approach to collections, whereby specific modules can be added to or removed from different collections as needed. This allows for regular updating of key indicators over time or for the reduction in questionnaire size when modules can be removed as it’s been recently collected.

18 Other areas where efficiencies can be gained
Integrated collections to avoid stand-alone surveys and associated cost (e.g., LFS ICSE; agriculture/fisheries; KI integrated HIES) Modulated approach to survey design to only collect what is needed South-South and/or resident advisors CAPI S-S Different technical assistance provision for “large” and “small” NSOs Don’t move until our member is ready Adopt new technology and conduct research RMI HIES experiment; drones/satellite imagery for listing Hold data users accountable (demand vs supply driven)

19 Coordination of NSOs, partners and donors

20 Examples of partnerships
World Bank TFSCB: improving data access and use RMI HIES experiment: optimising the collection of consumption information IDA project: statistical leadership and HIES UNICEF – PCA and 17-month work programme Collect and mainstream childhood, gender and disability statistics Analyse and utilize new and existing data to report and monitor the situation of children, women and people with disabilities Disseminate statistics, engage stakeholders and advocate for the collection and use of statistics in policy formulation MICS collaboration UNFPA – IPA and annual work plan Kiribati CAPI household listing Kiribati Social Indicator Survey (with UNICEF) University of Wollongong and WorldFish Secondary data use (HIES and trade) for food systems oriented policy formation FAO – MOU P-SPAFS; GIS training; POU Regional Project ILO – MOU Data analysis and harmonisation

21 Need for coordination mechanisms
Detailed country collection plan NSDS Regional pool of resources Funding Technical assistance Tablets South-South Resident advisors

22 Recommendation PSSC is invited to consider the following recommendations: the Pacific Statistics Development Partnership Program (PSDPP) and Five-Year National Statistics Collection Plan guide donors, development partners and Pacific national statistics offices (NSOs) on all technical support programs and resource mobilisation initiatives related to national official data collection activities; members of the Donor-Development Partner Group (DDPG) support the PSDPP and Five Year Collection Plan through their technical support and funding program; the Secretariat continues to work with Pacific NSOs to ensure an optimal data collection plan is development for each of their main data collection activities; and the Secretariat continues to coordinate, update and disseminate this document to Pacific NSOs, donors and development partners on a regular basis.

23 Thank you

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