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Welcome to the CMS Virtual Visit

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1 Welcome to the CMS Virtual Visit
Jura Lac Léman Today, we are visiting CMS virtually CERN (FR) Geneva airport CERN (CH)

2 Introduction 60 minutes virtual tour to CMS
This is more like discussion than watching a movie! Be ready with your question! Please send us your feedback: (김태정) or modify your registration form by providing your feedback in the virtual tour web page.

3 Large Hadron Collider 27 km circumference
9593 superconducting magnets at 1.9K (-271.3°C ) 120 tonnes of liquid helium Accelerates beams of protons to % the speed of light Large Hadron Collider

4 Large Hadron Collider Proton beams circulate 11,245 times/sec
1 billion of proton-proton collisions/second The energy of 6.5 TeV per beam is similar to TGV with 150 km/h Collisions with a center of mass energy 13 TeV are a billion times hotter than the centre of the sun and create new particles (E = mc 2)

5 Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS)
Detects new particles created in LHC collisions 21m long and 15m high in a huge cavern 100m underground 12,500 tonnes Compact Muon Solenoid

6 Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS)
Measures particle types, energies and directions Selects and records a few 100 interesting events/sec Silicon Detectors measure tracks left by charged particles Calorimeters Absorb particles and measure their energy Muon Detectors Identify and measure muons that penetrate

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