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Chapter 9 Carbon Chemistry.

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1 Chapter 9 Carbon Chemistry

2 Organic Chemistry Carbon Chemistry = ORGANIC Chemistry
Organic molecules: Made of carbon and hydrogen 90% of all compounds Carbon forms 4 covalent bonds Single bonds Double bonds Triple bonds

3 Forms of carbon: Diamond Graphite Fullerenes

4 Saturated Hydrocarbons
Contain only CARBON and HYDROGEN ONLY single bonds Called an alkane (all names end in -ane)

5 Saturated Hydrocarbons
Come in 3 basic forms: Straight chains Methane(CH4) Propane(C3H8) Butane (C4H10) Octane (C8H18)

6 Saturated Hydrocarbons
Branched chains: Butane (C4H10) vs. Isobutane (C4H10) Form isomers Same formula, different arrangement

7 Saturated Hydrocarbons
Rings: Carbons can link to form rings 4 is possible (cyclobutane) 5-6 is common (cyclohexane)

8 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
Contains one (or more) double or triple bonds Come in 3 basic forms: Alkenes Compound names end in “ene” Ex: ethene (C2H4) Alkynes Compound names end in “yne” Ex. Ethyne (C2H2) Aromatic Hydrocarbons Form rings Strong odors

9 Fossil Fuels All hydrocarbons
Formed from dead organisms (plants and animals) Different types formed by different geological conditions and base material

10 Coal Remains of ancient swamps
Time, pressure, temperature formed aromatic compounds (with a few impurities) Used for electricity Burning produces more soot

11 Natural Gas Formed from the remains of marine creatures
Burns cleaner than coal Used for heating, cooking, electricity

12 Petroleum Also from remains of marine creatures
Complex mixture of hydrocarbons Long branched alkanes and alkenes Must be separated into simpler mixtures Separated by FRACTIONAL DISTILLATION

13 Combustion of fossil fuels
Complete combustion: C3H O CO H2O Adds carbon dioxide to atmosphere Greenhouse gas Increasing temperatures globally Don’t forget about impurities! Nitrogen oxides/sulfur oxides Cause acid rain (pH = 2.7)

14 Incomplete combustion of fossil fuels
C3H8 + O CO + H2O Forms carbon monoxide Blocks the transport of oxygen in the blood Can lead to death Causes respiratory problems

15 Polymers Formed from monomers linked together Long chain molecules

16 or synthetic (man-made)
Polymers Can be natural Silk Cotton or synthetic (man-made) Fleece plastics

17 Synthetic Polymers Rubber Synthetic adhesives Nylon Polyethylene
Milk bottles Plastic wrap

18 Natural Polymers Starches Proteins Nucleic Acids Cellulose
Carbohydrates Formed from chains of glucose (monomer) Proteins made of more than 100 amino acids Nucleic Acids DNA and RNA Cellulose

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