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Outdoor Learning Progression & Standards-Based Assessment

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Presentation on theme: "Outdoor Learning Progression & Standards-Based Assessment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Outdoor Learning Progression & Standards-Based Assessment
Hidden Valley Elementary, November 5, 2018

2 We acknowledge, recognize and respect that we are working and learning together on the traditional territory of Kwanlin Dün First Nation and the Ta’an Kwäch’än Council.

3 Partner Portrait Step one Step two Step three Pick a partner
Sketch them without looking down! Step three Interview questions Weekend highlight? How familiar are you with standards-based assessment?

4 Learning Intentions Revisit outdoor learning progression
Learning Standards & Learning Targets Learning Maps Understand the principles of Standards-Based Assessment Testing

5 Outdoor Learning Progression
Core Competency Activity/ Content Curricular Comp

6 Personal & Social I can persevere with challenging tasks
Assessment Option Assessment Option Spoken or written reflection Curricular Competency Communicate observations and ideas using oral or written language, drawing, or role-play Core Competency Activity/ Content Curricular Comp Outdoor Activity/Content Teambuilder Lava Pit Personal & Social I can persevere with challenging tasks

7 Content + Curricular Competency =
Learning Target Activity Core Competencies Content + Curricular Competency =

8 Clarity

9 Standards vs Targets Learning Standards Learning Targets
Learning Standards are what we want students to be able to know (content) and do (curricular competency) at the end of any given learning period Learning Targets are the combination of content and curricular competency written in student-friendly language. Learning Targets are specific to the lesson or unit and directly connected to assessment. I can ask questions that help me understand why there are so many different animals living in Yukon.

10 Diving into Learning Targets
Answer the questions “What are we doing today?” and “why are we learning this?” Explicitly connect the knowing with the doing by improving student understanding of the learning goals of a lesson or unit Are used in the process of formative and summative assessment

11 Learning Targets Learning targets:
Are written in student-friendly language Are framed as I statements (I can, I am able, etc.) Each learning target combines at least one curricular competency and content piece

12 Learning Targets

13 Learning Targets I statement Curricular competency I am able to think and ask questions about how other people and cultures are similar and different. Content

14 Learning Target Practice
Work with a colleague to create a few learning targets that each include: one content piece at least one curricular competency

15 Learning Maps Learning Map
A learning map is a graphic organizer that pulls together the learning targets for a lesson, unit or course Learning maps are used to guide learning and assessment for students Learning Map Learning Target 1 Learning Target 2 Learning Target 3

16 Sample Learning Maps

17 Learning Target Grade Book

18 Ken O’Connor

19 Standards-Based Grading

20 Resources Communicating Student Learning (the iBook)

21 Feedback

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