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Core Science - Chemistry

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1 Core Science - Chemistry

2 Grades A* 'Link' The student must then link in some other related (direct or indirect) topic or subject and apply their understanding to it A 'Explain' (detailed, using balanced symbol equations) B 'Explain' (simple, using word equations) C 'Describe' D 'State' E 'List'

3 CC1. Describe the structure of an atom
A good answer will include:- The names and symbols of particles in an atom Examples Suitable diagrams showing where the particles are Correct symbols for subatomic particles (with charges shown as + and -) Higher Tier - The numbers of these particles (and how they can be worked out from the periodic table)

4 CC2. Describe and explain how electrons are arranged in atoms
A good answer will refer to:- Energy levels – how many electrons can fit in each energy level? Specific examples showing the numbers of electrons in each energy level Higher Tier – use number notation to describe the electron configuration (e.g. Cl ) and how this can be worked out from the periodic table.

5 CC3. Describe and explain how non-metal atoms form covalent bonds.
A good answer will include:- What happens to the electrons from each atom? The idea of full outer energy levels being gained by loosing electrons. Examples with diagrams and correct symbols (including charges) Higher Tier – explain how the properties of non-metals are accounted for by the weak bonds between molecules

6 CC4. Describe and explain how slaked lime can be obtained from limestone
A good answer will:- Give chemical names and formulae for all of the substances mentioned (limestone, lime, slaked lime, carbon dioxide). State the conditions (e.g. Temperature) at which the processes take place. Present the answer in a logical sequence. Higher Tier - Include balanced chemical equations

7 CC5. Describe and explain how iron is obtained from iron ore (haematite)
A good answer will:- State the raw materials and give their chemical names and formulae Include balanced chemical equations State the conditions needed (e.g. the Temperature) Explain how impurities are removed (slag formation). Higher Tier – Refer to reduction and reducing agent

8 CC6. Explain how crude oil is formed, what it is made of and how it is separated into useful substances A good answer will:- Include the conditions of temperature, pressure and time Include examples of alkanes together with their names and formulae State how the substances are separated by fractional distillation and give the conditions Give examples of the useful substances and explain why they are useful Higher Tier – Explain fractional distillation

9 CC7. Describe and explain cracking
A good answer will:- State the conditions (including temperature any catalyst) Describe the properties of the products (including their reaction with bromine water) Refer to the types of bond between the carbon atoms in the reactants and products Higher Tier - Include examples of reactants and products and give their formulae

10 CC8. Describe and explain addition polymerisation
A good answer will use the following terms:- Monomer, Polymer, Double bond, Addition, Catalyst, Alkane, Alkene (hint ethene makes polyethene) and (Higher Tier) will use displayed formulae showing covalent bonds clearly

11 CC9. Describe the structure of the Earth, explain continental drift and state the evidence for it
A good answer will:- Include a simple diagram of the structure of the earth showing each layer. Refer to – crust, mantle, convection, tectonic plates, earthquakes, volcanoes, shape of continents, fossils, rock layers, radioactivity, heat. Higher Tier – explain the evidence for continental drift

12 CC10. Describe and explain the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere over the past 4.5 billion years and state the composition of the atmosphere today A good answer will:- State the gasses in the early atmosphere State the composition of the atmosphere today Higher Tier - Explain how the atmosphere has changed (removal and addition of gasses e.g. by dissolving in the ocean and from green plants)

13 Additional Science - Chemistry

14 AC1. Describe and explain how a metal atom forms an ionic bond with a non-metal atom
A good answer will include:- What happens to the electrons from each atom How ions are formed The idea of full outer energy levels being gained Higher Tier - Examples with diagrams and correct symbols (including charges)

15 AC2. Explain metallic bonding
A good answer will include:- What happens to the electrons from each atom The arrangement of particles (ions and electrons) The idea of full outer energy levels Higher Tier - Examples with diagrams and correct symbols (including charges)

16 AC3. Describe the structure of diamond and graphite
A good answer will:- Describe both diamond and graphite Include diagrams of each to show how many carbon atoms are joined together. Refer to covalent bonds between carbon atoms Higher Tier - Refer to delocalised electrons in graphite

17 AC4. What are nanomaterials and why are they useful?
A good answer will:- State the size of nanoparticles and give the correct units (including the symbol) Comment on the properties of nanoparticles compared with the same substance in bulk (e.g. titanium dioxide used in sun cream) Higher Tier - Give examples including properties and how this relates to a use.

18 AC5. Describe and explain the bonding in simple covalent substances
A good answer will:- Refer to sharing electrons between atoms in a molecule Give a variety of examples with diagrams to show the electrons before and after bond formation Describe the properties of simple molecular substances Higher Tier - Refer to the forces between molecules

19 AC6. Describe an experiment to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of a chemical reaction A good answer will:- State the independent, dependant and control variables State what will be measured and how Include a labelled diagram Include a sketch graph of the expected results Higher Tier - State the connection between dependant and independent variable and give a chemical equation for the reaction used (e.g. the reaction between hydrochloric acid and magnesium).

20 AC7. Describe an experiment to investigate the effect of concentration on the rate of a chemical reaction A good answer will:- State the independent, dependant and control variables State what will be measured and how Include a labelled diagram Include a sketch graph of the expected results Higher Tier - State the connection between dependant and independent variable and give a chemical equation for the reaction used (e.g. the reaction between hydrochloric acid and magnesium).

21 AC8. Describe an experiment to investigate the effect of surface area on the rate of a chemical reaction A good answer will:- State the independent, dependant and control variables State what will be measured and how Include a labelled diagram Include a sketch graph of the expected results Higher Tier - State the connection between dependant and independent variable and give a chemical equation for the reaction used (e.g. the reaction between hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate).

22 AC9. Describe an experiment to investigate the effect of catalysts on the rate of a chemical reaction A good answer will:- State the independent, dependant and control variables State what will be measured and how Include a labelled diagram Include a sketch graph of the expected results Higher Tier - State the connection between dependant and independent variable and give a chemical equation for the reaction used (e.g. the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide).

23 AC10. Write an essay entitled: ‘How electrolysis works and why it is useful’.
A good answer will:- include the following words:- Electrolyte, molten, solution, electrode, cation, anion, electrons, discharge, oxidation, reduction, decomposition, current. Sate some uses of electrolysis including the names raw materials and useful products Higher Tier - Include equations for processes taking place at the electrodes

24 Further Science - Chemistry

25 FC1. Describe how the elements are arranged in the Periodic Table.
A good answer will:- Refer to atomic number Refer to electron arrangement Explain what a period is Explain what a group is and comment on the properties of elements in the same group

26 FC2. Describe and explain the trends in the properties of the Group 1 elements.
A good answer will:- Refer to reactivity and electron arrangement Refer to density, melting point and boiling point Describe their reactions with oxygen and water Mention hydroxide formation Use chemical formulae and balanced chemical equations

27 FC3. Describe and explain the trends in the properties of the Group 7 elements.
A good answer will:- Refer to reactivity and electron arrangement Melting and boiling points Reaction with halides of halogens below them in the group Use chemical formulae and balanced chemical equations

28 FC4. Describe and explain the difference between hard and soft water and comment on why this is important A good answer will:- Refer to calcium and magnesium hydrogen carbonates and sulphates Refer to the effect of boiling Refer to lime scale and scum together with the cost implications of these Refer to the health benefits of hard water

29 FC5. Explain, in terms of bond energies , why some reactions are exothermic and others are endothermic. A good answer will:- Refer to breaking and forming bonds Refer to reactants and products Give examples (with values for bond energies in the correct units) Include energy level diagrams

30 FC6. Describe and explain how you could prove that a sample of water contained aluminium chloride
A good answer will:- Sate which reagents to use Describe how to perform the chemical tests State the observations that would show that aluminium and chloride ions were present Give balanced chemical equations for the reactions that occur

31 FC7. Describe the Haber process and explain why the conditions are chosen
A good answer will:- Give the raw materials Include a balanced chemical equation State the conditions Explain why each condition is chosen

32 FC8. What are esters and why are they important
A good answer will:- State how esters are formed Give displayed formulae for some of the reactants Give examples of esters (including their displayed formulae and names) State the properties of esters State some uses of esters

33 FC9. Why are transition metals useful?
A good answer will:- Refer to high melting points, catalytic activity, coloured compounds, reactivity, density strength. Make comparisons with other metals Include a comment about mercury Give examples and relate properties to uses

34 FC10. Describe and explain how Chemistry could be used to solve one of the world’s problems
A good answer will:- Give a clear description of the problem Give details of the solution including chemical details such as reactants’ products, chemical equations. Suggestions – shortage of water, dirty drinking water, renewable energy from sea water

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