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“Learning to Lead our Lives”

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1 “Learning to Lead our Lives”
Title The NEW DEAL Skill: Organisation and Communication NGfL:USA All images/ cartoons are believed to be in the public domain. Many of the images were sourced from the internet encyclopaedia wikipedia at

2 What has caused this and what are they doing?

3 Look at this source below.
Who is this? Why is he presented this way? Who is this? Why is he presented this way? Why babies? What do they represent? What does the author think of Hoover’s presidency? Public Domain - Library of Congress.

4 You are President Roosevelt, what are your problems and how are you going to solve them?
Possible Solutions

5 Which of the following activities were employed by the American Government to solve the problem of unemployment Employed photographers YES NO cataloguing historical documents Built Hospitals Pigeon chasing Road building Colouring old film Sweep up leaves Built Schools Built airports

6 Which of the following activities were employed by the American Government to solve the problem of unemployment YES NO cataloguing historical documents Employed photographers Pigeon chasing Built Hospitals Sweep up leaves Road building Built Schools Colouring old film Yes, that is right! The government tried EVERYTHING to get people back into work! Built airports

7 Benefit society Money wasting
Which of these activities genuinely benefited society and which may have been ‘seen’ as money wasting? Benefit society Money wasting

8 What do you think this means?
BOONDOGGLING A Boondoggle is a North American term referring to the performance of useless or trivial tasks whilst appearing to be doing something important .

9 Can you think of a reason why they might be necessary?
WPA Fed Theatre Project in NY Dance Theatre "Young Tramps" Slide Colourists at Work NRA Public Domain - Library of Congress.

10 “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”
Franklin D. Roosevelt “Our greatest primary task is to put people to work” Public Domain – picture and recording Library of Congress.

11 Key Quotes: FDR’s Inauguration Speech
Relief - Give help to the unemployed Recovery- Rebuild the economy Reform – Create a fairer and more just society This Nation asks for action, and action now. Our greatest primary task is to put people to work. I shall ask congress for broad executive power to wage war against the emergency. Public Domain - Library of Congress.

12 The New Deal: Alphabet Agencies
The three Rs Relief, Recovery and Reform would restore American society. The Alphabet Agencies were brought in to reverse the ‘Spiral of Depression.’ The main aim was pump priming – to inject money into the economy by giving work to the unemployed However, some felt that the government had gone too far with BOONDOGGLING.

13 Task: In groups you will be given one piece of New Deal legislation. You will present your analysis to the remaining groups based on the following questions. You should think about the following: Is it Relief, Reform or Recovery? Who will benefit and who will not? Would any groups in US society not support this? What impact did this have on society. Remember:- Talk to the class DO NOT READ! Work together, delegate tasks Speak slowly and clearly remember people need to take in the information you give them! Get the balance right, Text and images

14 Alphabet Agencies Alphabet agency Purpose Action Benefit to society

15 Emergency Banking Act All banks were closed for 10 days and only those approved by the Federal Government were allowed to reopen The president encouraged people to invest their money in these banks and not under the mattress, in a series of ‘Fireside chats’.

16 Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)
Led by Harry Hopkins, a former social worker, this agency sent funds to depleting local relief agencies. Within two hours, $5 million were given out . Gave Federal money to individual states to help the homeless and unemployed. The government gave each state $1 back for every $3 spent on the relief of poverty. Spent $500 million in total

17 Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
To help farmers to increase their profits. Schemes were introduced to reduce their production and so to drive up the price of their produce. Government money was used to pay farmers to slaughter their animals and to destroy their crops. This was very controversial at a time when people were starving.

18 National Industrial Recovery Administration (NIRA)
To encourage employers to improve industrial workers’ pay and conditions and to charge fair prices for goods Codes of practice were drawn up minimum wage, hour and conditions companies that signed up to the scheme were allowed to display the Blue Eagle Flag This work is in the public domain because it is a work of the United States Federal Government.

19 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Set up to help farmers and others in the Tennessee valley half its population 2.5 million people were living below the poverty line. Farming had become poor in the Tennessee valley due to over cultivating, flooding and soil erosion. Provided cheap Hydroelectric Power to the farms. 20 Dams were constructed to prevent flooding and provide cheap electricity. Millions of trees were planted to prevent soil erosion.

20 Works Progress Administration (WPA)
11,000 schools were built. 70,000 km of roads were constructed. La Guardia airport in New York was put up. FDR paid photographers to record the Depression. 12,000 Actors were paid to put on plays and concerts to relieve the depression. Paid artists to make paintings for schools and public buildings. Employed 2 million people a year.

21 Alphabet Agencies Alphabet agency Purpose Action Benefit to society
Who would have Supported this measure? Would everyone have supported the “New Deal”?

22 Look at this source below. What does it suggest about the New deal?
What does the Pump and water represent? How is the tax payer presented? why? What does this suggest? Why is it leaking? Who would agree with this? Library of congress archives from the Columbus Dispatch (1935)

23 From the sources below identify the attitude to the New Deal
Who is this? What comparison is being made? What does this suggest? Who would agree with this?

24 Time to Weigh up the Changes!
Draw a giant set of scales and make a brief note of positive changes on one side and negative on the other. How effective do think the New Deal was for the American People? Remember more changes are not always better think quality as well as quantity!

25 Historical ‘just a minute…’
Talk for one minute without hesitation, deviation or repetition about the following topics: Hoover Roosevelt Boondoggling Banking Act Works Progress Administration

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