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Elements of Culture.

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Presentation on theme: "Elements of Culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements of Culture

2 What is Culture? Culture is the way of life of a group of people.

3 Elements of Culture Language Architecture Clothing Economy Religion
Education Climate Government/Laws Entertainment Transportation Food

4 Education - the development of the mind and character through study and training

5 Language - spoken or written words; human speech

6 Architecture - The way a building looks and is designed to function.

7 Clothing - things worn to cover the body

8 Two Types: Western – What we wear. What is commonly worn in the Western Hemisphere Traditional – Clothing specific to a certain culture.

9 - the way that money and goods are used by people

10 Religion - a system of beliefs that goes beyond human powers

11 Climate - the usual weather that a place has

12 Government/Laws - rules made and enforced by the government of a country -

13 - something that is done for fun or relaxation
Entertainment - something that is done for fun or relaxation

14 Food What people eat.

15 Transportation How people get from place to place.

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