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What should I study? Great Depression/New Deal/1930s (Chapters 14 & 15) Causes of the Depression Hoover’s Handling of the Depression Dust Bowl New Deal.

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Presentation on theme: "What should I study? Great Depression/New Deal/1930s (Chapters 14 & 15) Causes of the Depression Hoover’s Handling of the Depression Dust Bowl New Deal."— Presentation transcript:

1 What should I study? Great Depression/New Deal/1930s (Chapters 14 & 15) Causes of the Depression Hoover’s Handling of the Depression Dust Bowl New Deal Programs (3Rs) Second New Deal Reaction to New Deal Pop Culture of 1930s World War II/1940s (Chapters 16 & 17) WW II in Europe & America prior to entering the war Pearl Harbor, America’s entry into WW II Contribution of African Ams/Women/Native Ams/Mex Ams to war Homefront (Rationing, Race Riots & Japanese-Am internment) Conferences/plan to end the war Manhattan Project & A-Bomb

2 Late 40s/1950s (Chapters 18 & 19) Origins of the Cold War & UN 1940s-1950s Cold War Battles (Berlin, China, Korea, Containment) Truman Adm in late 40s (Civ Rights, GATT, Suburbs, Taft-Hartley) Eisenhower Cold War (MAD, Space Race, CIA, Suez, Vietnam) Pop Culture of 1950s (Music, TV, teenagers) Life in 1950s (Automania, Baby Boom, Red Scare, Economy) The “Other” America 1950s Civil Rights Good Luck! – Know your political cartoons & eras!! Reverse IDs:Dust Bowl, New Deal, Hawley-Smoot Tariff, Douglas MacArthur, Manhattan Project, Pearl Harbor, Iron Curtain Speech, Mutual Assured Destruction, Elvis Presley, Truman Doctrine, Korean War, Joseph McCarthy, Emmett Till, Domino theory

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