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CMS Perugia Gantry Status Report

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1 CMS Perugia Gantry Status Report
tRACKER WEEK 21/07/1999 CMS Perugia Gantry Status Report D. Benedetti, M.Biasini, E.Babucci, M.Giorgi, M. Nastase, V. Postolache, F. Velcea CERN Marco Giorgi CMS Perugia M. M. Angarano - PERUGIA

2 Marco Giorgi CMS Perugia
Outlook Hardware Status: Tib stereo and Tid assembly plates Tape on Pickup tool Modules Production: Present Status Cern Marco Giorgi CMS Perugia

3 TIB stereo and TID assembly plates
2 Tib Stereo left plates ready 2 Tib Stereo right plates almost ready TID Layer 1,2 R-phi plates on work on industry TID Layer 3 R-phi plates technical drawings ready TID stereo plates: waiting for final frames drawing Cern Marco Giorgi CMS Perugia

4 Marco Giorgi CMS Perugia
Tape on Pickup Tool “Blue tape” under sensors pickup tool to prevent scratches Cern Marco Giorgi CMS Perugia

5 Marco Giorgi CMS Perugia
Modules production 346 modules assembled from to 228 TIB R-phi L34 modules 118 TIB R-phi L12 modules 248 full rate (8 modules/day) 2 modules faulty 336 modules shipped to bonding centers (Pisa, Padova) Cern Marco Giorgi CMS Perugia

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