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Student of group 0431 Fomina L.. History of Distillation Distillation was developed into its modern form with the invention of the alembic by Islamic.

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Presentation on theme: "Student of group 0431 Fomina L.. History of Distillation Distillation was developed into its modern form with the invention of the alembic by Islamic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student of group 0431 Fomina L.

2 History of Distillation Distillation was developed into its modern form with the invention of the alembic by Islamic alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan in around 800 AD.

3 Instruments Of Alchemists For Distillation

4 Vacuum Distillation is a Vacuum distillation is a technique that uses a vacuum to extract analytes from a sample. A condensing column is used in the technique to condense water that may also be present in the sample. A cryogenically cooled trap (cryotrap) is (cryotrap) is used to condense the compounds of interest.

5 Laboratory distillation plant 1,2-flask with mixture; 3-condensing column; 4-thermometer; 5-vacuum; 6- water outlet ; 7-cold water inlet; 8-distillate.

6 The Modern Laboratory Distillation Plant

7 Distillation in Use 1. Separating Crude Oil into more Fractions (for specific uses such as transport, power generation and heating)

8 2.Distillation of Water (separating salt from sea water) 3. Distillation of Air 1. Oxygen 1. Oxygen (for medical application); 2. Helium 2. Helium (for party balloons).

9 Applications of distillation Laboratory scale; Laboratory scale; Industrial distillation; Industrial distillation; Distillation of herbs for perfumery and medicinals (herbal distillate); Distillation of herbs for perfumery and medicinals (herbal distillate); Food processing. Food processing. Industrial distillation plant


11 Material Balance Substance Input, mole Output, mole ij HF0.140.010.98 BrF 3 0.860.990.02 111

12 Heat Balance HeatInput,kG/24hOutput,kG/24h Heat using in distillation 384 Loses of heating 214 Heat on heating construction materials 4 Heat from warmer 602 602602


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