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Unit 101 Element 4 Maintain a Secure environment for customers, staff and visitors. Maintaining effective security should be the concern of everyone working.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 101 Element 4 Maintain a Secure environment for customers, staff and visitors. Maintaining effective security should be the concern of everyone working."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 101 Element 4 Maintain a Secure environment for customers, staff and visitors.
Maintaining effective security should be the concern of everyone working within an establishment and is part of good business practice. There may be staff employed as security staff.

2 Effective security practices can help protect the profit of the business you are involved in by reducing the likelihood of loss. Examples are: Theft, Fraud, Missing stock. You will find there are many situations within your working day where you need to be security conscious.

3 Your Role Keep display materials beyond the reach of any customers and as far away from the main entrance as possible, making it difficult for people to remove the items without being spotted. Keep security issues & procedures confidential. Keep your own belongings, e.g. bags, wallets, secure & out of sight in a locked area.

4 Keep alert to anything or anyone looking suspicious.
Keep keys especially master keys under close supervision. A booking systems may be used to sign for keys to work areas. It is important that you follow any particular security procedures that are in place within your work place to protect your work place and yourself.

5 Dealing with Lost or Missing Property.
From time to time company, customer or staff property may go missing. This can be due to various reasons such as: Customers property may have been left behind in a restaurant. Company property may have been moved and staff not informed. Staff may have borrowed items from work and not returned them as planned.

6 Procedures When Dealing With Missing Property.
The type of information you should report will include: A description of the missing item/s. The date & time you discovered the item were missing. Where the items are normally stored. Details of any search or actions taken to locate items. In some cases you may decide to report the loss to the Police.

7 Recording Lost Property
Recording Lost Property. In most establishments there are procedures for recording lost property.

8 Securing Storage Areas.
Some items can be easily removed from the premises and are therefore, of particular concern. Small items such as linen, cutlery, crockery, food, wine, toiletries, etc. can be easily concealed in a bag and stolen. Larger items such as equipment, food, packages and computers can also be removed, but will generally need more thought and planned before hand.

9 Securing Access. The following points show how you might prevent unautherised access to certain areas. Ensure access to storage areas are restricted to specific individuals. Limit the number of duplicate and master keys and keep a record of all key holders. Never leave keys lying around or in locks. Never lend keys to other members of staff or contractors, especially master keys.

10 Dealing with Suspicious Individuals.
Since you work in the hospitality industry, there will inevitably and frequently be strangers within your work place. As part of your job you should keep yourself alert to the presence of strangers in areas reserved for staff. Briefings from line managers informing staff of planned visits will reduce the embarrassment of challenging an authorised visitor.

11 An individual fitting any of the following descriptions may be said to be acting suspiciously:
Someone wearing the incorrect uniform. Someone asking for directions to a certain area where you would not expect them to work. Someone carrying company property in an area not open to them. Someone who seems nervous, startled. A guest asking information about a fellow guest staying in the establishment.

12 Responding to a Suspicious Individual.
Challenge them politely: ask if can help them, or direct then to an information desk. Report the presence of a stranger to your supervisor immediately. Procedures vary depending on the establishment, remember be polite but firm. If unsure report it to your supervisor.

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