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1980s and the Resurgence of Conservatim

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1 1980s and the Resurgence of Conservatim

2 1970s economy

3 “It’s morning in America”

4 New Right and the Moral Majority
Leaders Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson


6 Reaganomics Supply side economics Trickle down effect
Cut $35 billion from US budget Tax Reform Act of 1986 Four pillars: reduce government spending, reduce income tax, reduce government regulation, control the money supply to reduce inflation


8 Effects Reagan recession- blamed on Carter Middle class stagnation
Very wealthy do VERY well GDP increases High deficit spending Unemployment skyrocketed and then dropped Graham, Rudmon and Hollings Bill- America has to balance the budget

9 Election of 1984

10 Foreign Policy “peace with strength”
Soviet Union is “focus of evil in the modern world” Strategic Defense Initiative- Star Wars Program START I Aid to ElSalvador Covert aid to Nicaraguan rebels Troops to Libya to defend the deaths of American soldiers Heavy fire invasion of Grenada to stop a coup Iran Contra Scandal

11 Glasnost Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!


13 Conservative Supreme Court
Webster v Reproductive Health Service- limited Roe v Wade Planned Parenthood v Casey-states can restrict access to abortion as long as there is no “undue burden” on woman

14 Election of 1988 “kinder, gentler America”
Railed against Reganomics as “voodoo” economics

15 Fall of the Berlin Wall

16 Persian Gulf War/Operation Desert Storm

17 Americans with Disabilities Act

18 “Read my lips, no new taxes”
1990 tax and budget package raises taxes $133 billion

19 Clarence Thomas to Supreme Court

20 Election of 1992

21 “don’t ask, don’t tell” “Brady Bill” – gun control bill Branch Davidians NAFTA- North American Free Trade Agreement Million Mom March- Columbine Impeachment and Monica Lewinsky “it depends on what the meaning of “is” is”

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