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Teacher Notes: How to Play

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1 Teacher Notes: How to Play
Put students in pairs, sitting facing each other. Each pair gets a white board to share, set between them. (You can substitute a blank sheet of paper in a page protector & write on it with wet erase markers.) Students draw a line down the middle of the white board (hamburger-style or hot dog-style, either will work equally well). Each student gets half of the white board as “their” space. When the teacher displays the picture, whichever student says the vocabulary word correctly first gets a point. They will keep track of their points on their side of the white board. Students will decide for themselves who said the word first. This gives them a chance to build social skills. If you feel it is necessary, have a discussion about fair play beforehand. The teacher does not need to hear every response in the class. If the students feel it is a tie: Whichever one writes the same word on the paper (spelled correctly!) first gets the point. They can reference their vocabulary list to check their spelling.

2 ¿Qué comida es?











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