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HW - Go to teacher site to read ending of M.M.

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1 HW - Go to teacher site to read ending of M.M.
1. Describe the battles of Long Island, Trenton/Princeton, Saratoga, Cowpens and Yorktown. 2. Identify the Revolutionary roles of famous Patriots and British Generals. DECEMBER 1, 2017 Test TUESDAY! Study my teacher site QUIZLET!

2 The Revolutionary War The Abridged Edition

3 Remember Lexington and Concord?

4 First MAJOR Battle of the Revolutionary War?
Where? Why? What? Who?

5 First? Second? Continental Congress
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

6 Declare Your Independence…
FOUR PARTS?? Declare Your Independence…

7 Losing in Long Island… GW vs General Howe “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” - Nathan Hale

8 The Famous Crossing of the Delaware…
“Hessian population of Trenton at 8AM – 1,408 men and 39 officers; Hessian population at 9AM- ZERO!” To the Battle of Trenton! And on to Princeton, New Jersey for more trickery?

9 The Turning Point of the War!
Battle of Saratoga British Gen. John Burgoyne’s “three part plan” to march to Albany NY Why did he lose??

10 A Very Important Alliance

11 Winter at Valley Forge - PA
“These are the times that try men’s souls…” Baron von Steuben helped drill/train.

12 Help and Hinder Help Hinder
Nathaniel Greene – Commanded Continental Army of the South Swamp Fox – Francis Marion and GUERRILLA TACTICS England changed the goal: Gather support from Southern Loyalists Benedict Arnold (Turn-Coat/Traitor) Turned West Point over to British and Captures /burns Richmond

13 Patriot Victory at Cowpens - SC
Patriot General Daniel Morgan Trickery wins again! TWO lines of Patriot soldiers were set up. FIRST line of troops RETREATED = the British CHARGED to take advantage SURPRISE! There was a SECOND LINE of Patriot troops waiting!! This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

14 Victory at Yorktown Cornwallis disobeyed orders and retreated to Yorktown Peninsula, VA British General Cornwallis vs Gen. Washington, Lafayette , and Rochambeau Siege = Oct. 19, 1781 Cornwallis surrenders French fleet led by Admiral de Grasse closed the trap

15 6,200 combat casualties (deaths)
Congratulations!? 6,200 combat casualties (deaths) 8,500 POW’s 10,000 camp deaths

16 The Treaty of Paris (#2) Ben John Henry John
We sent Ben John Henry John Franklin Adams Laurens Jay to France to negotiate the peace treaty.

17 Terms of the Treaty SOVEREIGNTY
“The US is recognized as an independent nation” Borders include the Atlantic to the Mississippi R. and north to the Great Lakes Florida was returned to Spain Loyalists were to be repaid for lost property


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