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SIMPLE PAST TENSE (Geçmiş zaman)

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Presentation on theme: "SIMPLE PAST TENSE (Geçmiş zaman)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SIMPLE PAST TENSE (Geçmiş zaman)
WAS /WERE ( isim cümlelerinde kullanılır “to be” fiilinin geçmiş zamanıdır.)

2 Positive form + + + WAS + You noun We WERE preposition+noun
They adjective I noun She prepositionn+noun He adjective It + + + WAS +

3 I am a teacher now I was a student 7 years ago.

4 She is slim now. She was fat 10 years ago

5 He is tall now. He was short 5 years ago.

6 We are happy today. We were unhappy yesterday

7 They were lazy last year.
They are hardworking now.

8 You were stingy last year.
You are generous this year.

9 It was dirty yesterday. It is clean today.

10 Negative form + + + + WAS NOT (WASN’T) You noun
We WERE NOT preposition+noun They (WEREN’T) adjective I noun She prepositionn+noun He adjective It + + WAS NOT (WASN’T) + +

11 I am a teacher this year. I wasn’t a teacher last year.

12 My father was ill yesterday.
He wasn’t ill last week.

13 She wasn’t slim 2 years ago.
My sister was slim last year.

14 It was in the garden last week.
It wasn’t in the garden yesterday

15 We weren’t in the hospital yesterday.
We were in the hospital last week.

16 They were lovers last year.
They were not lovers last week

17 You were at the school last week.
You were not at the school yesterday.

18 Question form WAS I, he, she, it + prep + noun + noun + adjective ?
WERE we, you, they

19 Was your father ill last week?

20 No, he wasn’t. Yes, he was.

21 Was your mother a teacher?

22 Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t.

23 Were you at the school yesterday?

24 Yes, we were. No, we were not.

25 Were they at the hospital last night?

26 No, they weren’t. Yes, they were.

27 Was I beautiful last night?

28 Yes, you were. No, you were not.

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