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Chapter 28 The Rise of Totalitarianism

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1 Chapter 28 The Rise of Totalitarianism

2 Postwar Social Changes
Changes in Society After World War I The Roaring Twenties How was life in the United States after WWI? Some women were rebellious during this time: flappers Women’s Lives How did women’s lives change in Western countries?

3 Postwar Social Changes
Changes in Society After World War I pg.669 Christian fundamentalism- John T. Scopes trial -

4 Western Democracies Stumble
Politics in the Postwar World “The Red Scare” and Isolationism in the United States What set off the “Red Scare” in 1919 and 1920 What were some results? Postwar Foreign Policy Arguing Allies What were Britain and France disagreeing about?

5 A Worldwide Depression
Unstable New Democracies. Coalition governments failed. Why? Inflation Causes Crisis in Germany Dawes Plan 1924- Effect: Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact-

6 Financial Collapse Problems in the U.S. 1929 The Stock Market Crashes
1. 2. 3. 4. The Stock Market Crashes Black Tuesday (1929) 1. Unequal distribution of wealth 2. overproduction of farmers 3. americans spending less 4. competiton from foreign farmers

7 The Democracies React to the Depression
Roosevelt Offers the United States a New Deal President Roosevelt’s New Deal? Pg 711

8 German, Italy, and Japan All the above countries defied the
wishes of Western democracies in what ways?: What were they doing that they weren’t supposed to do?

9 The Rise of Fascism in Italy
Benito Mussolini, fed off of Italy’s unemployment and lack of strong leadership, and broken promises of the Allies after WWI. What promises did the Allies break? The Nature of Fascism what is fascism? what is the difference between fascism and communism?

10 The Nazi’s Take Over Germany
Runaway Inflation (pg727) How was Germany’s economy after WWI? Hitler’s Manifesto Lebensraum -

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