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Sound, Light, and Waves Review Questions

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1 Sound, Light, and Waves Review Questions
Jeopardy Review Sound, Light, and Waves Review Questions Back to menu

2 Final jeopardy question
Sound Properties Light Interactions Light Sound Waves 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 Final jeopardy question

3 Light is produced by the _________ of electronically charged particles
c Point Question Light is produced by the _________ of electronically charged particles Vibration

4 This is the piece in a light bulb that lights up due to electricity
20 Point Question This is the piece in a light bulb that lights up due to electricity Filament

5 30 Point Question Light is produced when ___________ jump energy levels and fall back to their original level Electrons

6 This is another name for a “packet” of light
40 Point Question This is another name for a “packet” of light Photon

7 c Point Question This is the complete back-and-forth motion of an object that creates sound Vibration

8 Sound needs a _________ to travel through
20 Point Question Sound needs a _________ to travel through Medium

9 These waves are the type of waves that sound waves travel in
30 Point Question These waves are the type of waves that sound waves travel in Longitudinal

10 Bats use this process to communicate
40 Point Question Bats use this process to communicate Echolocation

11 This is the biggest factor in the speed of sound changing
c Point Question This is the biggest factor in the speed of sound changing Temperature

12 How low or high you perceive a sound to be
20 Point Question How low or high you perceive a sound to be Pitch

13 30 Point Question How loud or soft a sound seems to be Loudness

14 the frequency of a sound caused by the motion
40 Point Question The apparent change in the frequency of a sound caused by the motion of either the listener or the source of the sound Doppler Effect

15 Light can be absorbed, _______, or refracted
c Point Question Light can be absorbed, _______, or refracted Reflected

16 Bending of a wave as it passes at an angle from one medium to another
20 Point Question Bending of a wave as it passes at an angle from one medium to another Refraction

17 The incident angle is equal to the _________ angle
30 Point Question The incident angle is equal to the _________ angle Reflected

18 This is the abbreviation for the colors of the rainbow
40 Point Question This is the abbreviation for the colors of the rainbow ROY G. BIV

19 The part of a wave that controls the amount of energy a wave has
c Point Question The part of a wave that controls the amount of energy a wave has Amplitude

20 The two types of waves are longitudinal and ______________
20 Point Question The two types of waves are longitudinal and ______________ Transverse

21 This is the distance between the crest of two waves
30 Point Question This is the distance between the crest of two waves Wavelength

22 Which is faster, speed of sound or speed of light?
40 Point Question Which is faster, speed of sound or speed of light? Speed of Light

23 Final Jeopardy Question
When you see a person wearing a green shirt, explain why the shirt is green. Don’t forget to explain all the colors in your answer.

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