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MAX IV Beamlines Maintenance

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2 MAX IV Beamlines Maintenance
Giulia Orlando, Beamline Project Office October 25th 2017

3 Overiew April 2017  start of the work to set up Beamlines Maintenance plans, i.e. individuate and establish a process to get an overview of the maintenance activities that are needed at MAX IV beamlines. In scope:”beamline specific” components (from the Insertion Device down to the Experimental station) + sub-systems components serving the beamlines (such as Electricity, Cooling Water etc.) Types of Maintenance: Preventive maintenance Condition based Maintenance (Inspection or signal) Corrective Maintenance External Requirements • Preventive Maintenance: activities carried out at predetermined intervals aimed at reducing the failure risk or degradation of the equipment. Also calibration to be included. • Condition based Maintenance: Maintenance based on specific situation that pops up after ad hoc inspection or analysis of signals in real-time. • Corrective Maintenance: Repair • External requirements (authorities, certifications, quality…)

4 Main steps Who is the ”owner” of a specific component and is therefore responsible to make sure that maintenance is carried out? How does maintenance activity look like? Who performs it? Do we need spares in storage? Eventually, how much does it costs? A. mapping system and sub-systems B. collecting information in a standardized way C. making it available to everyone at MAX IV D. input for a maintenance software

5 A. Mapping system and sub-systems
Cryogenics Compressed Air Ventilation Gas system Building Lyfting devices PLC Electricity Cooling water Vacuum

6 A. Mapping system and sub-systems
Beamline Cryogenics Gas nitrogen Compressed air Ventilation Lifting devices Building Gas system Insertion device Front end Optics Experimental Setup Cooling water Electrical System Vacuum PLC automation Controls & IT First challenge. Define limits List of components and identifying owners trying to be as detailed as possible so that nothing falls between the stools (ex cryogenics) . We wanted to reflect the complexity of a beamline still giving structure to the whole process Safety Building Services BM/BO Engineering KITS Safety

7 B. Collecting information in a standardized way
The template  Excel sheet, trying to standardize it as much as possible for different systems. One sheet for every beamline + a sheet for every sub system (valid for all the beamlines) FinEstBeAMS is acting as a pilot for beamlines, modified Control Hardware List, to include Mainteance Plan. Frequently updated document, early design phase. Sub-systems sheet  almost all of them have been started and have different state of progress. Every sheet is under responsibility of the system or sub-system owner These sheets do not represent a schedule, they are just a descritpion of Maintenance. On the left list of components, plus criticality of component. On the right description of maintenance

8 C. Making it available for everyone at MAX IV
Power Point Presentation, available on Alfresco Alfresco link to Beamline Control Hardware List, Alfresco link to ”X” sub system Maintenance plan Plus some qualitative information, hard to include in a .xls sheet We will soon present the work we have done for other beamlines to agree with them about the procedure and start the process at facility level

9 C. Making it available for everyone at MAX IV/example Cryogenics 1
Sub system owner: Anders Månsson ; OBS Marcin Bielawski is responsible for gas monitoring (see Nitrogen gas slide) System limits: the Liquid Nitrogen system is completely “owned” by the sub-system owner except cryo-coolers and the circuit between the cryo-coolers and the beamline components which are on the Beamline Manager side. OBS: Cryo-robots is on Biomax Beamline manager. Helium system is on FinEstBeaMS Beamline manager (not connected to central PLC)

10 C. Making it available for everyone at MAX IV/example Cryogenics 2
Maintenance: Link to Excel file Building services is looking into buying a service (Maybe with Cryoterm) that once a year takes care of checking/changing safety valves etc.. it’s for the whole system. Maintenance activities on the central system: some interferences with the beamline operation could occur but biggest activities are performed during shutdown. In addition, there is redundancy on most components. Budget mostly paid by Building services Also, the maintenance of components outside the building is under the responsibility of BS but a contractor performs maint

11 C. Making it available for everyone at MAX IV/example Cryogenics 3
Maintenance (…continues): Running a script to check if valves work should be done quarterly There is an overview in PLC that will raise an alarm if limit switches for valves does not act in a correct way that’s why they are not in the Excel file to be checked Piping and hoses once every quarter visual inspections to check if vacuum is still OK (problems if you see water or ice) CUFS control unit filling station are controlled locally, Anders Månsson performs yearly functionality test without PLC group Issues/Repair: “Tickets” still the best way it to mail Anders Månsson Documentation:

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