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Unit 5 : The arts report Monday January 14, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 : The arts report Monday January 14, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 : The arts report Monday January 14, 2013

2 Music Album Club Conductor Decks Dj Drums Guitar Keyboard Live show
Microphone Performer Rapper Record Rehearse Review Singer Speakers Spotlight Stage

3 Giving advice I don’t think you should… I think we should…
If I were you, I’d… We ought to…. We’d better not…. Why doesn’t he ….? You ought not to….

4 Voice mail Bye for now. Hello. Hi. It’s me, Lori. It’s Sandy.
See you later. This is Jon

5 Painting materials Acrylic Brush Canvas Crayon Easel Oil paints
Palette Paper Pastels Pencil Watercolors

6 Paintings movements or styles
Abstract Cubism Expressionism Impresionism Muralism Pop art Realism Romantic Surrealism Watercolor

7 Painting subjects Landscape Seascape Self portrait Still life

8 gossip Badmouth someone Be a cheat Be a fake Fake Keep a secret
Make something up Spread gossip Start a rumor Tell a lie Tell a secret

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