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Classroom Behavior Management Strategy

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1 Classroom Behavior Management Strategy

2 Classroom Behavior Management Strategy
Principles: Goals Theoretical basis Intervention IEP recommendations Influence of Behavioral plan Assessment Assessment tested

3 Theoretical basis Token economy Stars Stickers Stamps Chips
Students with emotional behavioral disabilities need a very well defined and consistent behavioral program to decrease bad behaviors and increase positive behaviors. The token economy is a positive reinforcement system that defines negative behaviors with consequences and rewards positive behaviors with chips. The token economy is based on behavior modification which has been proven to be very useful with students who have behavioral difficulties. Chips do not have to be used but some tangible system such as: stars, stickers, stamps, or chips should be used so the student can see how many tokens they have accumulated. The tangibles should be placed in a container some place near to the student’s desk so that the student can

4 Basis and Strategies Token economy Self awareness Self motivation
Chips do not have to be used but some tangible system such as: stars, stickers, stamps, or chips should be used so the student can see how many tokens they have accumulated. The tangibles should be placed in a container some place near to the student’s desk so that the student can see them. Before a token economy system is set up the student’s behaviors have to be well defined again self awareness and self motivation seems to be the best practice for the EBD student when setting up a behavioral modification program. The student has to be told “you know Johnny we have been talking about your anger issues” for example: “When you get angry you push and shove people, yell and spit”. You know that these behaviors that you display are not acceptable and you need to find more positive ways of dealing with your anger.

5 Strategies The rewards that follow good behaviors.
Special treat Extra recess time Ice cream or pizza party Movie on Friday The rewards will not come if a certain amount of tokens are not collect over a certain period of time. When the behaviors are well defined then the reinforcement can be put into place and in this case it is a tangible token economy system. Johnny knows that he has to get a certain amount of tokens to achieve his goals. Students need to be told what they will get if they collect a certain amount of tokens. For example: they can go to a Friday movie, pizza party, ice cream party, school store etc. The Behaviors should be well defined and the rewards that follow good behaviors should also be defined. If the student

6 Strategies Ask Johnny how he thinks he can improve his behavior and he will probably say “I need to calm down take deep breaths”, think about the consequences that will follow my bad behavior. Johnny knows what is expected of him because this is something that has been working on for a while by the entire team of professionals that work with him.

7 . Strategies Ask Johnny how he thinks he can improve his behavior and he will probably say “I need to calm down take deep breaths”, think about the consequences that will follow my bad behavior. Johnny knows what is expected of him because this is something that has been working on for a while by the entire team of professionals that work with him.

8 Strategies When the behaviors are well defined then the reinforcement can be put into place and in this case it is a tangible token economy system. Johnny knows that he has to get a certain amount of tokens to achieve his goals. Students need to be told what they will get if they collect a certain amount of tokens. For example: they can go to a Friday movie, pizza party, ice cream party, school store etc. The Behaviors should be well defined and the rewards that follow good behaviors should also be defined. If the student

9 Antecedent When we use the terminology antecedent to refer to behavior we are usually speaking about what happened before that behavior occurred. Did this student experience what they interpreted as being rejected or ignored by another student or teacher could have triggered the behavior. The student might have answered a question in class that brought laughter or teasing from the other students and this act might trigger a behavior.

10 Behavior The behavior of the student in this case is what we are trying to correct, shape or change to be a more positive behavior. Behavior modification systems such a the token economy can help the student to become aware of their own negative behaviors and shape the behaviors into more positive behaviors.

11 Consequences If students is just verbally putting himself down ignore that behavior. If student starts hurting self give him a warning during the test. If the student continues to hurt self during the test send the child to quiet area and mark on his point sheet.

12 Goals Complete tests without being getting stressed.
Complete tests without verbally putting self down. Complete tests without trying to hurt self.

13 Intervention Use stress ball during test Watch for the verbal cues
Ignore if child is verbally putting himself down

14 IEP recommendations Will complete work with no prompting
Will complete work without verbally showing signs of low self-esteem

15 The Influence of the Behavior Plan When behavior modification plan is in place and followed with consistency by all team members. The child’s behavior will change to be more positive. If the behavior program is implemented correctly the child will learn the consequences of negative behaviors and coping skills for positive behaviorsthe child will also learn anger management skills.

16 Assessment The student is assessed by a daily point system from 0 to 100. If the student has a good week then he will get to attend Friday celebration that contains a special treat and movie.

17 Tested Assessment I assessed the student during an hour time frame. The first part of the hour the teacher had the students study together for a math test. The teacher used the test as a guide to help them study. Matthew did very well during this time and answered all the questions right. When it came to taking the actual test he got stressed out. After the first question on the test he started verbally putting himself down. He then started hurting himself by pushing his pencil into his arm as hard as he could. After the teacher took his pencil he stood up and put his foot under his chair and pushed down on the chair to hurt himself. At that point he had to go sit in the quiet room.

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