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Fawn Scott ERP Product Manager

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Presentation on theme: "Fawn Scott ERP Product Manager"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fawn Scott ERP Product Manager
Gas Balancing Fawn Scott ERP Product Manager

2 What-Why-Who-How ?? Deregulation of gas industry – owners allowed to defer/market their own gas Congratulations! Gas balancing at the wellhead added to industry Operator of well/lease/unit responsible for prep and sending of Gas Balancing Statement to WI owners What do I need to consider? How do I create and manage Gas Balancing?

3 Gas Balancing Solution
Operators required by law to provide all WI owners their current gas balancing positions Integrated, efficient solution through WolfePak Gas Balancing Module Gas Balancing Statements reside within your software System utilizes division of interest to recognize owner entitled percentage

4 The Circle of Gas Balancing
Gas Balancing Agreement Nominations Entitlements Well Production Over/Under Produced Imbalances Makeup Gas Considerations as an Operator Gas Balancing Agreement Well Production Nominations Entitlements Overproduced/Underproduced Imbalances Makeup Gas Finally the Gas Balancing Statement

5 Gas Balancing Statement
Into the Mixer ! Gas Balancing Statement Who Picks up the Imbalance? I Market My Gas Pay Me - I am Royalty

6 Simple Wellhead Imbalance
Estimated Production mcf Royalty and Overrides (20%) mcf Leaving WI Entitlement mcf Defined DOI for Gas Balancing with Johnny Adams deferring his gas

7 Where DO I Start? Key Elements:

8 Process Steps Start Cycle for Production Month
Enter or Import Data From the Purchaser Settlement Statement Enter or Import Adjusted Settlements

9 Settlement Statement

10 Start the First Cycle and Record Sales
Start the cycle for production month Populate Gross Volume per meter from Purchaser Statement

11 Adjustment of Settlements
Adjust Settlements Example: Johnny Adams deferring his gas reflected in his Settlement Percent of 0.00

12 Gas Balancing Statements
Lease statement: One per owner for first cycle

13 Next Month’s Cycle-August 2018
Lock Settlement Pct Settlement percentages carried forward for Johnny Adams and WolfePak Oil & Gas Company Reflects prior balance and new balance

14 August 2018 Gas Balancing Statement
Reflection of Cumulative Balances

15 Questions

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