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Good afternoon. Thank you for attending the 2013 Arizona Transit Association conference. I hope that you found the sessions valuable and have enjoyed your.

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Presentation on theme: "Good afternoon. Thank you for attending the 2013 Arizona Transit Association conference. I hope that you found the sessions valuable and have enjoyed your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good afternoon. Thank you for attending the 2013 Arizona Transit Association conference. I hope that you found the sessions valuable and have enjoyed your stay in Tempe.

2 Balanced Transportation
Currently, I sit on the Tempe Economic Development, Lake, Downtown and Advanced Transportation Infrastructure Committee and the Regional Public Transportation Authority Board. These bodies focus on providing a balanced, sustainable transportation system that move people around and through the region. They also encourage cooperation among cities, towns and transit agencies.

3 Innovative Thinking It’s one of Tempe’s top priories to enhance our regional connectivity and build projects that move people not just within our own community, but also throughout the region. Tempe is a proud regional partner in transit. Many people might not know this, but Tempe currently operates most of its own bus service. Recognizing opportunities to improve bus service by exploring cost-effective, regional approaches to service delivery increases the amount of transit services that can be provided. 

4 Bus Unification East Valley Bus Operations and Maintenance Facility
That is why Tempe and Valley Metro are consolidating bus operations on July 1. The efficiencies that will be realized in this effort benefit passengers, make costs more sustainable, and improve our capacity to grow the transit system. As an example, combining the current, separate Tempe and Valley Metro bus contracts into one contract will cut operating costs by reducing overhead and using the bus facilities more efficiently. It will also save Tempe and the region millions of dollars a year. East Valley Bus Operations and Maintenance Facility

5 Partners in the Region We are constantly looking at ways to partner with other cities. It’s important to leverage limited dollars in order to build a truly regional transit system. For instance, over the years, Tempe has partnered with neighboring cities to build multi-use path systems, create a light rail line and construct bus maintenance facilities. We have aggressively sought to design and construct bicycle and pedestrian projects that complement our bus and light rail services while leveraging regional and federal funding sources.

6 Attracting Businesses
If our region really wants to attract new industry, develop and improve our economy, we must have an on-going funded regional transit system and a strong partner in the federal government. Most companies are looking for regions with strong transportation networks, good schools, a strong housing market,

7 Attracting Businesses
good weather and recreational activities for their employees. What better place than Arizona to move or start your business.

8 Streetcar Starter Line
As our economy makes a slow but steady comeback, we must work together for the greater good of the region and state. This means focusing on which projects truly enhance our transportation system including starter lines.

9 Development Along Light Rail
Within the last few years, Tempe has become saturated with retail, commercial and residential space. As a result, we are finding new ways to create space. Driving this new transit oriented development is the thousands of riders each day who are helping increase mobility in our region, create new walkable and sustainable communities, and keeps our metropolitan area competitive with a mode that attracts businesses.

10 Development Along Light Rail
Development along the METRO light rail line is providing a boost to our fragile economy. In Tempe, the mixed-use development enhanced by METRO includes restaurant, residential, office, retail and hotel space. Driving this new transit oriented development is the thousands of riders each day who are helping increase mobility in our region, create new walkable and sustainable communities, and keeps our metropolitan area competitive with a mode that attracts businesses and residents.

11 Councilmember Shana Ellis
Thank You Questions? Councilmember Shana Ellis Creative thinking and progressive ideas are the cornerstones to building a successful transportation network. I commend those cities and agencies that are working together to truly make Arizona a leader in transportation. Thank you very much. And have a safe trip home.

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