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The Entrepreneur.

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Presentation on theme: "The Entrepreneur."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Entrepreneur

2 Definition of Entrepreneur
“The entrepreneur, by definition, shifts resources from areas of low productivity and yield to areas of higher productivity and yield. Of course, there is a risk the entrepreneur may not succeed” (Drucker, ’85)

3 Entrepreneurship Vs Management
Creating something new New product, new method of production, new markets, new source of raw material Challenges the ‘norm’ Management Protects Stewardship of existing resources

4 Why become an Entrepreneur?
Personal situation Resources Entrepreneurial skills Success stories Desire for independence Opportunity to exploit a gap Frustration

5 Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
Drive Perseverance Ambition Leader Survivor status Competitive Interpersonal skills Innovative skills Ability to bounce back Vision Motivation Self-confidence Self Satisfaction Extrovert (Expr. Person) Results orientated Committed Risk taker Social

6 Psychological Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
Need for achievement Locus of Control Internal External Risk-taking Prosperity Tolerance for ambiguity Type A Behaviour Impatient, time urgency, driving ambition, competitiveness Need for Independence

7 What is the Role of the Entrepreneur?
Opportunity recognition Market uncertainties Dealing with the future Risk taking Businesses, financial and personal Resource gathering Profits/Reward

8 Skills & Competencies I can.…Communicate I can.... Present
I can…. Represent my opinion I can…. Co-ordinate tasks I can…. Develop alternative plans I can…. Hand tasks over to a 3rd party I can…. Co-operate with others I can…. Negotiate I can …. Sell I can…. Organise and plan I can…. Handle numbers I can…. Handle technical devices My literacy is …. My interaction with people is ….

9 Hurdles in starting up a a business
Lack of contact clients/customers Economic cycle Business environment Fear of failure Support by family and friends Lack of time Lack of entrepreneurial skills

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