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AP Biology Lab Review.

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1 AP Biology Lab Review

2 Lab 1: Artificial Selection
Concepts: Natural selection = differential reproduction in a population Populations change over time  evolution Natural Selection vs. Artificial Selection

3 Lab 1: Artificial Selection
Description: Use Wisconsin Fast Plants to perform artificial selection Identify traits and variations in traits Cross-pollinate (top 10%) for selected trait Collect data for 2 generations (P and F1)

4 Sample Histogram of a Population

5 Lab 1: Artificial Selection
Analysis & Results: Calculate mean, median, standard deviation, range Are the 2 populations before and after selection (P and F1) actually different? Are the 2 sub-populations of F1 (hairy vs. non-hairy) different? Are the means statistically different? A T-test could be used to determine if 2 sets of data are statistically different from each other

6 Lab 2: Comparing DNA Sequences using BLAST  Evolutionary Relationships
Concepts: Bioinformatics: combines statistics, math modeling, computer science to analyze biological data Genomes can be compared to detect genetic similarities and differences BLAST = Basic Local Alignment Search Tool Input gene sequence of interest Search genomic libraries for identical or similar sequences

7 Description: Use BLAST to compare several genes
Lab 2: Comparing DNA Sequences using BLAST  Evolutionary Relationships Description: Use BLAST to compare several genes Use information to construct a cladogram (phylogenetic tree) Cladogram = visualization of evolutionary relatedness of species

8 Lab 2: Comparing DNA Sequences using BLAST  Evolutionary Relationships

9 Lab 3: Diffusion & Osmosis
Concepts: Selectively permeable membrane Diffusion (high  low concentration) Osmosis (aquaporins) Water potential ()  = pressure potential (P) + solute potential (S) Solutions: Hypertonic hypotonic isotonic

10 Lab 3: Diffusion & Osmosis

11 Lab 3: Diffusion & Osmosis
Description: Surface area and cell size vs. rate of diffusion Cell modeling: dialysis tubing + various solutions (distilled water, sucrose, salt, glucose, protein) Identify concentrations of sucrose solution and solute concentration of potato cores

12 Potato Cores in Different Concentrations of Sucrose

13 Lab 3: Diffusion & Osmosis
Conclusions Water moves from high water potential ( ) (hypotonic=low solute) to low water potential () (hypertonic=high solute) Solute concentration & size of molecule affect movement across selectively permeable membrane


15 Lab 4: Photosynthesis Concepts: Photosynthesis
6H2O + 6CO2 + Light  C6H12O6 + 6O2 Ways to measure the rate of photosynthesis: Production of oxygen (O2) Consumption of carbon dioxide (CO2)

16 Lab 4: Photosynthesis Description: Floating disk technique
Leaf disks float in water Gases can be drawn from out from leaf using syringe  leaf sinks Photosynthesis  O2 produced  bubbles form on leaf  leaf disk rises Measure rate of photosynthesis by O2 production Factors tested: types of plants, light intensity, colors of leaves, pH of solutions

17 Floating Disk Technique

18 Lab 5: Cellular Respiration
Concepts: Respiration Measure rate of respiration by: O2 consumption CO2 production

19 Lab 5: Cellular Respiration
Description: Use respirometer Measure rate of respiration (O2 consumption) in various seeds Factors tested: Non-germinating seeds Germinating seeds


21 Lab 5: Cellular Respiration

22 Lab 5: Cellular Respiration

23 Lab 5: Cellular Respiration
Conclusions: temp = respiration germination = respiration Animal respiration > plant respiration  surface area =  respiration Calculate Rate

24 Lab 6: Mitosis & Meiosis Concepts: Cell Cycle (G1  S  G2  M)
Control of cell cycle (checkpoints) Cyclins & cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) Mitosis vs. Meiosis Crossing over  genetic diversity

25 Lab 6: Mitosis & Meiosis

26 Lab 6: Mitosis & Meiosis Description:
Model mitosis & meiosis (pop-beads) Observe karyotypes Meiosis & crossing over in Sordaria (fungus)

27 Lab 6: Mitosis & Meiosis

28 Lab 6: Mitosis & Meiosis

29 Meiosis: Crossing over in Prophase I

30 Lab 6: Mitosis & Meiosis Observed crossing over in fungus (Sordaria)
Arrangement of ascospores

31 Sordaria Analysis % crossover total crossover total offspring =
distance from centromere % crossover 2 =

32 Lab 7: Bacterial Transformation
Concepts: Transformation: uptake of foreign DNA from surroundings Plasmid = small ring of DNA with a few genes Replicates separately from bacteria DNA Can carry genes for antibiotic resistance Genetic engineering: recombinant DNA = pGLO plasmid

33 Lab 7: Bacterial Transformation

34 Lab 7: Bacterial Transformation

35 Lab 7: Bacterial Transformation
Conclusions: Foreign DNA inserted using vector (plasmid) Ampicillin = Selecting agent No transformation = no growth on amp+ plate Regulate genes by transcription factors (araC protein)

36 Lab 7: Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA
Concepts: Restriction Enzymes Cut DNA at specific locations Gel Electrophoresis DNA is negatively charged Smaller fragments travel faster

37 Lab 7: Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA

38 Lab 7: Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA
Conclusions: Restriction enzymes cut at specific locations (restriction sites) DNA is negatively charged Smaller DNA fragments travel faster than larger fragments

39 Lab 8: Energy Dynamics Concepts: Biomass = mass of dry weight
Energy from sunlight  drives photosynthesis (store E in organic compounds) Gross Productivity (GPP) = energy captured But some energy is used for respiration (R) Net primary productivity (NPP) = GPP – R Energy flows! (but matter cycles) Producers  consumers Biomass = mass of dry weight

40 Lab 8: Energy Dynamics Pyramid of Energy Pyramid of Biomass
Pyramid of Numbers

41 Lab 8: Energy Dynamics Description:
Brassica (cabbage)  cabbage white butterfly larvae (caterpillars)

42 Lab 8: Energy Dynamics Measuring Biomass: Cabbage  mass lost
Caterpillar  mass gained Caterpillar frass (poop)  dry mass

43 Lab 9: Transpiration Concepts: Transpiration Xylem Water potential
Cohesion-tension hypothesis Stomata & Guard cells Leaf surface area & # stomata vs. rate of transpiration

44 Lab 9: Transpiration

45 Lab 9: Transpiration Description:
Determine relationship between leaf surface area, # stomata, rate of transpiration Nail polish  stomatal peels Effects of environmental factors on rate of transpiration Temperature, humidity, air flow (wind), light intensity

46 Lab 9: Transpiration Conclusions: transpiration:  wind,  light
transpiration:  humidity Density of stomata vs. transpiration Leaf surface area vs. transpiration

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