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AP Biology Photosynthesis Part 4.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Biology Photosynthesis Part 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Biology Photosynthesis Part 4

2 Energy Flow and Matter Cycling
Tertiary consumers Microorganisms and other detritivores Secondary consumers Primary consumers Detritus Primary producers Heat Key Chemical cycling Sun Energy flow

3 Carbon Cycle Higher-level consumers Primary consumers Carbon compounds
CO2 in atmosphere Photosynthesis Cellular respiration Burning of fossil fuels and wood Higher-level consumers Primary consumers Carbon compounds in water Detritus Decomposition

4 Energy Flow and Matter Cycling
Tertiary consumers Microorganisms and other detritivores Secondary consumers Primary consumers Detritus Primary producers Heat Key Chemical cycling Sun Energy flow

5 Food chains and the 10% Rule of Energy

6 10% Rule Plant material eaten by caterpillar 200 J 67 J Cellular
respiration 100 J Feces 33 J Growth (new biomass)

7 Food web of the Arctic ocean

8 Productivity of the Earth (Based on Chlorophyll Density) Red And Yellow areas have the highest productivity…so where are they located?

9 Rising CO2 and rising average global temperature

10 Melting Antarctic Ice due to increased water temperature

11 Net Primary Productivity

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