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Goverment Engineering College Modasa

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2 Goverment Engineering College Modasa
Prepaid by students of 2nd sem Electrical department Subject-cpd Teacher-Deven sir Sisodiya priyaraj( ) Solanki Harshil ( ) Solanki Vijay ( ) Suthar Bhoomi( ) Tabiyar Twinkal( )

3 Health and Life

4 What do we want ?? Long life – 120 years No disease, sickness at all
Diabetes, high BP, joint pain, cancer etc – NOT at all Lots of energy, stamina, joy, happiness Enough money for needs

5 In current condition Average age 70-75
Fever, cold/cough, other sickness once a year - on average By age 50 substantial numbers suffer diabetes, high BP, (or both), joint pains, stones, fibroids, chronic cold/cough, etc.

6 What is health? Traditionally health is defined as absence of disease and this working definition is accepted by most citizens and even doctors, whose task is to repair human biological machine when it breaks down.

7 World health orgenisation (WHO) definition
Health is a state of complete physical,mental & social well being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity.” This definition, however, considers health a state, while health is more a process of continuons adjustment to the changing demands of living.

8 Most people do not die They kill themselves by their wrong actions (mostly inadvertently) before living a full life span.

9 The Components of Health
Physical Social Environmental Mental Emotional

10 Physical Health Physical health refers to the way that your body functions. This includes eating right, getting regular exercise, and being at your recommended body weight. Physical health is avoiding drugs and alcohol and being free of disease and sickness


12 The Parts of Physical Fitness
Health - Related Physical Fitness Skill - Related Physical Fitness It helps you perform well in sports and activities that require certain skills It helps you stay healthy

13 What can we do to be physical healthy?
Physical activity is a general term that includes sports, dance, and activities done at work or at home, such as walking, climbing stairs. When people do physical activity especially for the purpose of getting fit, we say they are doing exercise.

14 Social Health Social health is the quality of your relationships with friends, family, teachers, and others you are in contact with.

15 Social health

16 Environmental Health Environmental health is keeping your air and water clean, your food safe, and the land around you enjoyable and safe.

17 Environmental health

18 Mental Health Mental health is the ability to recognized reality and cope with the demands of daily life.

19 Mental healthy

20 Emotional health Emotional health is expressing your emotions in a positive, nondestructive way.

21 Basic areas to be tackled
Diet & nutrition Oxygen, Air, Water Inner Cleansing (positivities and negativities) Yoga & Meditation Exercise, games Fun, laughter, joy Ownership for own health Love

22 Thank you

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