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Revision ideas, created with SmartArt.

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Presentation on theme: "Revision ideas, created with SmartArt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revision ideas, created with SmartArt.

2 Playing with Excel This is not a real tech tip instruction file. I am just creating this to point you in the right direction. I hope that you will google some better instructions/explanations than I am providing here. The basics are: create your list of revision ideas in PPT. (See next slide) Then highlight the list, click on “Convert to SmartArt” and take it from there. You can waste hours getting it just right; it’s definitely more fun than marking student work. Another good tip is to convert the SmartArt to Shapes, which gives you more control over the shape of the ‘Shape’. Create your own list of revision tips and get creative! PS: SmartArt is very useful for your daily PPTs too. Once you start exploring and playing with SmartArt, your PPTs will look and work much better. I have exported the two final slides as a PDF and am giving them to my students and their parents during Parent Teacher interviews. Have fun! Ilja

3 Create a timeline using Mindjet MindManager
Watch a video about the French Revolution: Explain a topic to a family member Make a fact file for three key people Redo some of the quizzes posted on Google Classroom Read REAL history books, not textbooks (my office or online) Create physical cue cards (get them at Officeworks) Pick a contested topic and debate with a fellow student Create a #booksnap of a good quote / interpretation using Snapchat Rewatch videos on Edrolo Pick two events and describe their significance to the Revolution Complete one question on a previous exam paper. Go through your textbook and complete source analyses we haven’t done in class Reread a passage in your textbook and summarise it in 240 words. Find a study buddy and explain topics to each other Go for a walk and listen to a podcast: Use Quizlet to create your own cue card set. Create a glossary in Excel With a study buddy, create a Kahoot each and take each other’s quiz Swap notes with a friend (or notes online) and add to their notes. Find a relevant text on AlphaHistory and create your own key points Create a physical timeline on a wall in your home, using post-it notes. Hang a washing line in your room and peg important events to it. Create a Quizlet quiz out of these cue card sets: Spend 15 minutes rereading your textbook every day. Go on Coursera and re-watch Peter McPhee’s course. Recreate your notes using a graphic organiser ( Create your own questions and interrogate yourself. Note: This list of revision ideas is specifically for my VCE Revolutions class, French Rev. The ideas for the revision activities came from Karen Knight ( And some great one revision ideas here: The rest is from my brain.

4 Create a timeline using Mindjet MindManager
Watch a history video on my channel: Explain a topic to a family member Make a fact file for any three key people Redo some of the quizzes posted on Google Classroom Reorganise your notes using categories: social, political, economic, cultural factors Read REAL history books, not textbooks (my office or online) Create physical cue cards (get them at Officeworks) Make 10 minute essay plans for past exam questions Pick a contested topic and debate with a fellow student Create a #booksnap of a good quote / interpretation using Snapchat Pick two events and describe their significance to another event Write an essay from a previous exam paper. Go through your textbook and complete questions Reread a passage in your textbook and summarise it in 240 words. Go for a walk and listen to a relevant history podcast Reorganise your notes using the P2 categories: rise, consolidation, maintenance of power, causes, effects etc. Use Quizlet to create your own cue card set. Create a glossary in Excel Make a book out of your notes, use headings, publish it online. With a fellow student, create a Kahoot each and take each other’s quiz Swap notes with a friend (or notes online) and add to their notes. Reorganise your notes using the IB Key Concepts: change, continuity, causation, consequence, significance, perspectives Create a physical timeline on a wall in your home, using post-it notes. Hang a washing line in your room and peg important events to it. Create a Quizlet quiz out of relevant study sets: Spend 15 minutes rereading your textbook every day. Create an interactive google map so you understand the physical links of events Recreate your notes using a graphic organiser ( Create your own questions and interrogate yourself. Note: This list is specifically for my IB History class. The ideas for the revision activities came from Karen Knight ( And some great one revision ideas here: The rest is from my brain.



7 Playing around #1 Create a timeline using Mindjet MindManager
Watch a video about the French Revolution: Explain a topic to a family member Make a fact file for three key people Redo some of the quizzes posted on Google Classroom Read REAL history books, not textbooks (my office or online) Create physical cue cards (get them at Officeworks) Pick a contested topic and debate with a fellow student Create a #booksnap of a good quote / interpretation using Snapchat Rewatch videos on Edrolo Pick two events and describe their significance to the Revolution Complete one question on a previous exam paper. Go through your textbook and complete source analyses we haven’t done in class Reread a passage in your textbook and summarise it in 240 words. Find a study buddy and explain topics to each other Go for a walk and listen to a podcast: Use Quizlet to create your own cue card set. Create a glossary in Excel With a study buddy, create a Kahoot each and take each other’s quiz Swap notes with a friend (or notes online) and add to their notes. Find a relevant text on AlphaHistory and create your own key points Create a physical timeline on a wall in your home, using post-it notes. Hang a washing line in your room and peg important events to it. Create a Quizlet quiz out of these cue card sets: Spend 15 minutes rereading your textbook every day. Go on Coursera and re-watch Peter McPhee’s course. Recreate your notes using a graphic organiser ( Create your own questions and interrogate yourself. Playing around #1

8 Playing around # 2 Create a timeline using Mindjet MindManager
Watch a video about the French Revolution: Explain a topic to a family member Make a fact file for three key people Redo some of the quizzes posted on Google Classroom Read REAL history books, not textbooks (my office or online) Create physical cue cards (get them at Officeworks) Pick a contested topic and debate with a fellow student Create a #booksnap of a good quote / interpretation using Snapchat Rewatch videos on Edrolo Pick two events and describe their significance to the Revolution Complete one question on a previous exam paper. Go through your textbook and complete source analyses we haven’t done in class Reread a passage in your textbook and summarise it in 240 words. Find a study buddy and explain topics to each other Go for a walk and listen to a podcast: Use Quizlet to create your own cue card set. Create a glossary in Excel With a study buddy, create a Kahoot each and take each other’s quiz Swap notes with a friend (or notes online) and add to their notes. Find a relevant text on AlphaHistory and create your own key points Create a physical timeline on a wall in your home, using post-it notes. Hang a washing line in your room and peg important events to it. Create a Quizlet quiz out of these cue card sets: Spend 15 minutes rereading your textbook every day. Go on Coursera and re-watch Peter McPhee’s course. Recreate your notes using a graphic organiser ( Create your own questions and interrogate yourself. Playing around # 2 @vanweringh

9 Playing around # 3 Create a timeline using Mindjet MindManager
Watch a video about the French Revolution: Explain a topic to a family member Make a fact file for three key people Redo some of the quizzes posted on Google Classroom Read REAL history books, not textbooks (my office or online) Create physical cue cards (get them at Officeworks) Pick a contested topic and debate with a fellow student Create a #booksnap of a good quote / interpretation using Snapchat Rewatch videos on Edrolo Pick two events and describe their significance to the Revolution Complete one question on a previous exam paper. Go through your textbook and complete source analyses we haven’t done in class Reread a passage in your textbook and summarise it in 240 words. Find a study buddy and explain topics to each other Go for a walk and listen to a podcast: Use Quizlet to create your own cue card set. Create a glossary in Excel With a study buddy, create a Kahoot each and take each other’s quiz Swap notes with a friend (or notes online) and add to their notes. Find a relevant text on AlphaHistory and create your own key points Create a physical timeline on a wall in your home, using post-it notes. Hang a washing line in your room and peg important events to it. Create a Quizlet quiz out of these cue card sets: Spend 15 minutes rereading your textbook every day. Go on Coursera and re-watch Peter McPhee’s course. Recreate your notes using a graphic organiser ( Create your own questions and interrogate yourself. Playing around # 3

10 Every day, independent revision activities for IB History students
Create a timeline using Mindjet MindManager Watch a relevant history video on my channel: Explain a topic to a family member Make a fact file for any three key people Redo some of the quizzes posted on Google Classroom Reorganise your notes using categories: social, political, economic, cultural factors Read REAL history books, not textbooks (my office, any library or online) Create physical cue cards (get them at Officeworks) Make 10 minute essay plans using past exam questions Pick a contested topic and debate with a fellow student Create a #booksnap of a good quote / interpretation using Snapchat Pick two events and describe their significance to another event Write an essay under timed conditions, peer mark it Go through a textbook and complete the questions Reread a passage in a textbook and summarise it in 240 words. Go for a walk and listen to a relevant history podcast Reorganise your notes using P2 categories: rise, consolidation, maintenance of power, causes, effects etc. Use Quizlet to create your own cue card set. Create a glossary or timeline in Excel Make a book out of your notes, use headings, publish it online. With a fellow student, create a Kahoot each and take each other’s quiz Swap notes with a fellow student (or find notes online) and add to their notes. Reorganise your notes using the IB Key Concepts: change, continuity, causation, consequence, significance, perspectives Create a physical timeline on a wall in your home, using post-it notes. Hang a washing line in your room and peg important events to it. Create a Quizlet quiz out of relevant study sets: Spend 15 minutes rereading a textbook every day. Create an interactive Google map so you understand the physical context of events Recreate your notes using a graphic organiser ( Create your own quiz questions and interrogate yourself. @vanweringh

11 Every day, independent revision activities for your studies of the French Revolution.
Create a timeline using Mindjet MindManager Watch a video about the French Revolution: Explain a topic to a family member Make a fact file for three key people Redo some of the quizzes posted on Google Classroom Read REAL history books, not textbooks (my office, any library or online) Create physical cue cards (get them at Officeworks) Pick a contested topic and debate with a fellow student Create a #booksnap of a good quote / interpretation using Snapchat Rewatch videos on Edrolo Pick two events and describe their significance to the Revolution Complete one question on a previous exam paper. Go through your textbook and complete source analyses we haven’t done in class Reread a passage in your textbook and summarise it in 240 words. Find a study buddy and explain topics to each other Go for a walk and listen to a podcast: Use Quizlet to create your own cue card set. Create a glossary in Excel With a study buddy, create a Kahoot each and take each other’s quiz Swap notes with a friend (or notes online) and add to their notes. Find a relevant text on AlphaHistory and create your own key points Create a physical timeline on a wall in your home, using post-it notes. Hang a washing line in your room and peg important events to it. Create a Quizlet quiz out of these cue card sets: Spend 15 minutes rereading your textbook every day. Go on Coursera and re-watch Peter McPhee’s course. Recreate your notes using a graphic organiser ( Create your own questions and interrogate yourself. @vanweringh

12 Every day, independent revision activities for History students
Create a timeline using an online app Watch a relevant history documentary on YouTube Explain a topic to a family member Make a fact file for any three key people For rote learning names and dates, use this technique: Look, Cover, Write, Check Reorganise your notes using categories: social, political, economic, cultural factors etc Read REAL history books, not textbooks (teacher’s office, any library or online) Create physical cue cards Make 10 minute essay plans using past exam questions Pick a contested topic and debate with a fellow student Create a #booksnap of a good quote / interpretation using Snapchat Pick two events and describe their significance to another event Write an essay under timed conditions, peer mark it Go through a textbook and complete the questions Reread a passage in a textbook and summarise it in 240 words. Go for a walk and listen to a relevant history podcast Reorganise your notes using categories: rise, consolidation, maintenance of power, causes, effects etc. Use Quizlet to create your own cue card set or autogenerate a quiz Create a glossary or timeline in Excel Make a book out of your notes, use headings, publish it online. With a fellow student, create a Kahoot each and take each other’s quiz Swap notes with a fellow student (or find notes online) and add to their notes. Reorganise your notes using key concepts: change, continuity, causation, consequence, significance, perspectives Create a physical timeline on a wall in your home, using post-it notes. Hang a washing line in your room and peg important events to it. Create a table of opposing historians’ views and interpretations Spend 15 minutes rereading a textbook every day. Create an interactive Google map so you understand the physical context of events Reorganise your notes using a graphic organiser ( Create your own quiz questions and interrogate yourself. @vanweringh

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