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Caste System.

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1 Caste System

2 Caste System in India Similarities with China’s Social System:
Social status determined at birth Little (if any) social mobility Sharp class distinctions and great inequalities Inequalities justified by religious/cultural traditions as natural and inevitable

3 Caste System in India “Caste” = comes from Portuguese word casta, which means “race” or “purity of blood” 4 varnas = ranked classes in the Indian caste system Each varna had its own duties Born into and remained in your varna for life

4 Caste System Race less central to growth of caste system
Focus: Economic specialization and culture 4 ranked classes Brahmin – priests Kshatriya – Warriors and Rulers Protect and govern society Vaisya – Commoners those who farmed the land Merchants and artisans Sudras Servants of their social betters Unskilled laborers

5 Caste System 1-3 pure Aryans
“Twice Born” Physical Birth Formal initiation into respective varnas and Aryan descent 4 Not allowed to hear or repeat Vedas or take part in rituals and ceremonies

6 Caste System in India These 3 classes = regarded as pure Aryans
Brahmins = Priests Study & teach the Vedas; perform religious ceremonies to please the gods & ensure welfare of people Kshatriyas = Warriors; Rulers Study the Vedas; lead government; head army These 3 classes = regarded as pure Aryans Vaisyas = Common people: merchants, artisans, farmers Tend herds, care for land; make & sell useful products Sudras = Native, non-Aryan people = Unskilled laborers, servants Serve other varnas Untouchables = Outside of Caste System Perform tasks considered unclean

7 Caste System in India: Formed from the Body of Purusha
Brahmins = from the head Kshatriya = from the shoulders Vaisya = from the thighs Sudras = from the feet

8 The Untouchables Outside of the Varna system
Lower than the Sudras It was believed that if people in higher castes came into contact with the untouchables, then their ritual purity would be “polluted” Untouchables used separate wells, separate bathrooms, separate temples for worship, etc. Many untouchables had to wear wooden clappers to alert others when they were approaching

9 Caste System in India Each varna was further divided into sub-castes called jatis Jatis were typically formed according to occupation --> ex: shoemakers, weavers, etc. Each jati had its own rules for daily life -- including diet, marriage, and social customs “It was better to do one’s own duty badly than another well”

10 Caste System in India Being born into a particular caste reflects good or bad Karma Dharma = the faithful and selfless performance of one’s present caste duties Any hope for rebirth into a higher caste rested on faith and selfless performance of one present caste duties Karma = determined which caste you would enter at birth Adhering to dharma and subduing your ego ensured spiritual progress, good karma, and possible birth into a higher caste when reincarnated Individuals own responsibility

11 Different from China and Greco-Roman World
Caste Many different distinctions Unique set of ideas that justify and explain the social system

12 Caste Polluted Ritual unclean Rituals teach about permanent impurity
Aides the ideology Threat of Ostracism Jati could kick you out Not social life Loss of social support

13 caste All most impossible to raise social status.
Raise the status of the entire Jati - Aquire land - Wealth - adopting behaviors of higher caste groups - Find a previously over looked Ancestor Result: You may be redefined in a high Category

14 India VS China I: Priority to religious and ritual purity
C: Elevated political officials C: Fewer but broader categories of society Scholar-gentry Landlords Peasants Merchants I: Far more rigid, less opportunity for social mobility than china

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