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Presentation on theme: "GUESSING BIGGER MEANINGS"— Presentation transcript:


2 REVIEW What are the 5 ways we can guess word meanings with inference? Tell your partner. Using conjunctions Using parts of speech Using affixes Using definition signals Using the context (the rest of the sentence or paragraph)

3 Guessing Bigger Meanings
Canadians normally know most of the words. They have to guess the bigger meanings, though. reading between the lines: inferring bigger meanings

4 Guessing Bigger Meanings
There are 4 big strategies to help you infer IDEAS. Using the big idea Using your background knowledge Using the pictures, headings, and titles Using the reading organization

5 1- Using the big idea Everything in a reading is connected to the big idea (the most general idea). If you don’t understand a sentence, you DO know that this sentence is trying to help the author’s argument. Everyone should have a cellphone. Although cellphones are relatively new, their use is proliferating, even into developing countries.

6 1- Using the big idea Another example:
I hate eating pizza. The tomato paste tastes too sour, and there is normally too much. The toppings are normally very sparse. The crust is too tough.

7 2- Using your past knowledge
Authors often don’t explain something because they think you already know this information. They expect you to supply (give/create) this information by yourself. I love lights, excitement, and action. That is why I want to go to Las Vegas. They expect you to know that Las Vegas has all of these things.

8 2- Using your past knowledge
Another example: I am a girly girl, but I like the colour black. They expect you to know that girls like the colour pink, traditionally. They expect you to know that black is non- traditional.

9 3- Using pictures, headings, and titles
The title, headings (small titles), and pictures are all connected to the big idea. You should use these to help you understand the meaning of the reading. Title: “Goth children are just like other teens” Headings: Dating problems Peer pressure Smoking Picture ->

10 3- Using pictures, headings, and titles
Another example: Title: “Be healthy” Headings: Jogging Playing Sports Yoga and Meditation <-Picture

11 4 - Using Reading Organization
Many readings are organized. They use words like, “first”, “second” “One reason” “Another reason” “A final reason” This shows us that these sentences are similar! The first effect of smoking is bad teeth. It colours your teeth yellow. Another effect of smoking is hair discoloration.

12 4 - Using Reading Organization
Another example: One reason why people cheat is to save time. Another motivator is to improve their score. A final justification frequently given is poor planning.

13 In Conclusion Using inference will help you understand your readings more. This is very important when you are learning a language! We will practice these bigger inferences some more now!


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