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Gordon Dunsire, Françoise Leresche, Mirna Willer

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1 Gordon Dunsire, Françoise Leresche, Mirna Willer
LIDA, Zadar, June Library Models and Standards, and Their Availability in the Semantic Web Workshop Gordon Dunsire, Françoise Leresche, Mirna Willer

2 IFLA’s ISBD and FRBR family of conceptual models: their representation in RDF
Mirna Willer 12/29/2018 LIDA 2012, Workshop "Library Models and Standards, and the Semantic Web"

3 Background ISBD: International Standard Bibliographic Description  IFLA International Meeting of Cataloguing Experts, København, 1969 ISBD(M) ISBD consolidated edition FRBR: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records  IFLA Seminar on Bibliographic Records, Stockholm, 1990 FRBR Final report FRAD: Functional Requirements for Authority Data FRSAD: Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data 12/29/2018 LIDA 2012, Workshop "Library Models and Standards, and the Semantic Web"

4 ISBD and the FRBR family of conceptual models
2007, IFLA General Conference, Durban FRBR RG: new project – Namespace for FRBR entities/elements in RDF Data Model meeting, April 30-May 1, 2007, British Library, London  DCMI/RDA Task Group's charter 2008, IFLA General Conference, Québec Declaring FRBR entities and relationships in RDF 2011, FRBR, FRAD & FRSAD published in OMR: Open Metadata Registry 12/29/2018 LIDA 2012, Workshop "Library Models and Standards, and the Semantic Web"

5 ISBD and the FRBR family of conceptual models
2008, IFLA General Conference, Québec ISBD Review Group, ISBD/XML Study Group 2009, IFLA General Conference, Milan ISBD in RDF 2011, ISBD: the published list of elements in the ISBD consolidated edition in OMR March 2012, the ISBD and FRBR namespaces in the OMR are providing de-referencing services 12/29/2018 LIDA 2012, Workshop "Library Models and Standards, and the Semantic Web"

6 ISBD and the FRBR family: OMR
12/29/2018 LIDA 2012, Workshop "Library Models and Standards, and the Semantic Web"

7 Work in progress IFLA ISBD/XML Study Group & Namespaces Technical Group Translations of RDF representations of IFLA standards: guidelines Mapping of ISBD area 0 vocabularies to RDA/ONIX Framework vocabularies ISBD Application Profile (DCMI Application Profile) discuss the representation of UNIMARC bibliographic format content designation in RDF 12/29/2018 LIDA 2012, Workshop "Library Models and Standards, and the Semantic Web"

8 Work in progress IFLA ISBD Review Group & FRBR Review Group
alignment of ISBD data elements and FRBR attributes within the task of consolidating the FRBR conceptual models ISBD RG, ISSN Network & JSC/RDA, Glasgow, 3-4 November 2011 harmonization of the ISBD, ISSN, with RDA and other national and international cataloguing rules harmonization is to make RDA, ISSN and ISBD records functionally interoperable JSC/DCMI Seminar Five Years On, London, 27 April 2012 DCMI Bibliographic Metadata Task Group / Vocabulary Task Group 12/29/2018 LIDA 2012, Workshop "Library Models and Standards, and the Semantic Web"

9 Bibliographic data as Linked Data
Authoritative, trustworthy and socially responsible bibliographic and authority data in the Semantic Web environment UBC & IFLA standards branding® Libraries: transformation of their catalogues into RDF triples to contribute to, and take advantage of the Semantic Web “bibliographic” triples linked to triples from encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference works, booksellers, publishers, and other agents in the bibliographic universe to enhance information services internal processing: to check the integrity of the record itself by identifying missing elements, sequencing errors, etc. 12/29/2018 LIDA 2012, Workshop "Library Models and Standards, and the Semantic Web"

10 Bibliographic data as Linked Data
End-users: providing means to librarians for preparing their metadata for an environment in which users will be enabled to perform tasks according to their specific needs, and not necessarily only those traditionally envisioned by librarians 12/29/2018 LIDA 2012, Workshop "Library Models and Standards, and the Semantic Web"

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