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Theory and Practice of Learning and Teaching

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1 Theory and Practice of Learning and Teaching
Week 1 Wednesday 1st March 2017

2 Circle Time Activity Rules: Right to pass, One person speaks at a time
No put downs Uses specific strategies that are safe, inclusive and fun Has a facilitator Activities: welcoming and name games using a ball, silent statements, mixing group – birth months in order, memory game, think/pair/share- two foods you both like, reflection-clearing the mind.

3 Amendment Victorian Curriculum is used for assessment task 3 not Australian Curriculum.

4 A Teacher’s Practical Theory
Looking at Figure 14.1 Churchill (2013) This theory is built of different pieces or frames of understanding: Craft knowledge – critically informed classroom experiences during practicums and then as a classroom teacher Personal practical knowledge – tacit knowledge built from past experiences in the classroom, knowledge of yourself, your students, how to teach content and the context, also parental models of teaching when you were young Personal and life experiences that may present a contradictory or complementary lens through which you view current events and context Formal education and experiences on your journey to becoming a teacher.

5 Assessment Task 1 EDFGC 5807: Theory and practice of learning and teaching (Primary) Assessment Task : Title: Peer Teaching & Reflection Word limit: 2000 words or equivalent. Weighting/value: 25% Due Date: Friday 7th April, 2017 at 11.55pm (week 6)

6 Assessment Task 1 (Part 1)
Prepare a plan (Plan A) for a 10 minute lesson that you will teach to a small group of your peers. Teach the lesson and receive feedback from two of your fellow students/peers The lesson must be a teaching session based on an educational theorist and NOT a presentation or teacher-centred ‘telling event’. The lesson must involve some degree of interaction aimed at enhancing your learners’ understanding of your lesson’s content. The lesson should include the use of at least one teaching aid (e.g. poster, piece of equipment, handout/activity for your learners to complete).

7 Ideas for engaging students in the Peer teaching Activity
Drawing Movement Writing words Mirror activity Video Note taking Balloons Small group/collaborative activity Partner activity Putting pictures into categories Guitar Music Think pair share Brainstorm ideas One minute sentence Images of people/categorizing Sharing information Grouping objects

8 Assessment Task 1 (Part 2)
Use peer feedback Use of your teaching to prepare a second amended version of the lesson plan (Plan B) that clearly identifies the changes you have made to Plan A, justifies the changes you have made and reflects what you have learned from the lesson planning and peer teaching experience (Self-evaluation); Submit Plans A & B for assessment including a summary in which your Self- evaluation and Justification of Changes are clearly presented. The Summary must include descriptions of the peer feedback you received. The submitted assessment includes the original lesson plan (Plan A), a revised lesson plan (Plan B) as APPENDICES and a 2000 word summary outlining your reflections of how the lesson went, the feedback you received, and a statement of justification for the amendments you made to your first plan.

9 Microteaching Practice Lesson Plan Proforma
Microteaching Feedback Form Assessment Rubrics

10 Educational Theorists
Using electronic devises find an educational theorist Write name on Peer Teaching Activity sheet

11 List of Educational Theorists
Jean Piaget Jerome Bruner Erik Erickson Lawrence Kohlberg John D Bransford Alfred Binet John Dewey Friedrich Froebel Rudolf Steiner Maria Montessori Ivan Pavlov Carl Rogers Sir Ken Robinson John Hattie Urie Bronfenbrenner Lev Vygotsky David Kolb John Locke Emilia Reggio Charles Spearman Abraham Maslow Jack Mezitow Seymour Papert Benjamin Bloom Howard Gardner Albert Bandura B F Skinner Robert Gagne Edward De Bono Paulo Freire Anthony Gregorc Malcolm Knowles Martin Luther King Nel Noddings Plato Donald Schon David Merrill Edward Thorndike

12 Educational Theorists
Readings: 1. Comparison of theorists

13 The 4Rs Model of Reflective Thinking
Reporting and responding Relating Reasoning Reconstructing Each group member takes one part and reads the nominated article. Next week join together as a group and present findings to class.

14 Readings for Week 2 Using the 4Rs Model of Reflective Thinking
In groups of 4, choose one reading, report back 1. Groundwater-Smith et al Chapter 5 The learning environment 2. Korthagen & Vasalos Levels in Reflection: core reflection as a means to enhance professional growth 3. Moore What makes a good teacher? 4. Hirst & Cooper Choreographing the classroom spaces

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