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Welcome to ‘Meet the Teacher’! Wednesday 29th August 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to ‘Meet the Teacher’! Wednesday 29th August 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to ‘Meet the Teacher’! Wednesday 29th August 2018
P5: Miss Emma Davis Welcome/ Introduction -Please interrupt with any questions you may have about our curriculum- I will do my best to answer or I will get back to you. -If you have an issue about your child that you wish to discuss prior to parent consultations, let me know and I will make you an appointment at a later date.

2 Twitter @MissDavisRPS
Keeping connected Open door policy Via or ClassDojo If you would prefer a phone call, please let me know! I do my absolute best to get issues resolved within one school week (at most) If you wish to make an appointment, contact me prior – through office, dojo or I’m happy for you to grab me at the gate for ‘little things’ – likewise I may do the same! I may occasionally phone you if it’s pressing/ your child walks home- after the school day finishes the phones aren’t strictly ‘manned’, if you would like me to call you, a message through the office or an etc. And I will get back to you. Contact me via or ClassDojo- I will respond on either in the same timescale. I will send out class updates/ general information on Dojo Homework will be shared on my class twitter as well as parts of our learning. If it is r.e. A trip/ whole school information etc., it will come out via the school office ( /letter)

3 From first to second level
Moving on up! From first to second level The curriculum your child is following is designed to be coherent, more flexible and enriched curriculum for children from 3 to 18. The curriculum includes the totality of experiences which are planned for children and young people through their education regardless of where they are being educated. The path most children and young people are expected to follow through the levels reflects the stages of maturation of children and young people and the changing ways in which they engage with learning as they develop. We are moving from first level experiences to second level experiences and levelling up in our learning experiences. Learning will be planned carefully and flexible in order to support children with additional support needs and to challenge those children who are particularly high attaining.

4 Removal of traffic lights Recognise great behaviour in different ways
Relationships policy No Golden time Removal of traffic lights Recognise great behaviour in different ways Vision time trial – September Restorative question cards available at office What’s new this year?

5 Reading: Reflective Reading
Literacy Spelling: SWST Reading: Reflective Reading Writing: Big Writing Handwriting: Cursive L&T: Talk Partners Literacy: Spelling: Pupils have undertaken a Single Word Spelling Test which is used in school to plan spelling patterns to support learning. Pupils will be supported to choose Mild, Spicy or Hot spelling words. After speaking to a spelling specialist I will no longer be asking students to complete a Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check activity and instead that will be completed in school. This will be consolidated through in- class teaching such as active (practical) spelling activities. They will also work on their common (Fry’s) words in class which may be sent home occasionally. Reading: We use ‘Reflective Reading’ which allows children to develop thinking skills through reading activities. They will read through a range of activities and use Task Maps to practise their skills. They will read independently, in groups or with the teacher. I would like to build learning experiences on learner interest and relevance to what we covering in class, fitting reading material to our topics. Time for Everyone Reading in Class (ERIC) is given where pupils can spend time reading books of their choice and independently. . Pupils are encouraged to read at school and at home and to keep a record of how many books they have read throughout the year using their reading record in their homework jotters. In P5 we don’t send reading books home, but if you think that this would help support your childs development in reading please let me know and we can consider this. Writing: BIG Writing is used throughout the school. Pupils experience a variety of Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation activities throughout the school week (usually through reading activities). A variety of marking is used to add value- marked by myself, self-assessment or peer- assessment. Handwriting: Children will by now be expected to use cursive joins in their written work. They will have covered these in P3 and will consolidate through handwriting lessons and literacy tasks. L&T: Pupils will experience a range of experiences– group talks, paired talks, individual talks or storytelling (these may not always be formal). Talk partners will be used in class to promote the language of learning in class.

6 Numeracy & Mathematics :Heinemann Active Maths
Problem Solving Numeracy/ Mathematics is taught in line with Edinburgh City Council policy. We will revisit areas of SEAL in the first few weeks to consolidate our learning from last year. After this period we will use SEAL as a support to children who need to develop their understanding of number.    Heinemann Active Maths: This is our core resource at First and Second Level- please note SHM, worksheets, games and interactive activities will also be used to support your child’s learning. Mathematics: lessons will be differentiated with ‘chilli challenges’ where your child can choose Mild, Spicy or Hot. They will be supported to choose. Other areas of maths will depend on the children’s current learning as certain areas of maths fit with certain class topics. These will happen in short blocks when appropriate. Problem Solving: will be taught through numeracy/ Maths, and discretely.

7 Languages: French and Spanish Religion: Islam
Art: Artist/ designer study Music: ABC music Science/Technology/Social studies will be covered in our topic work. Learning for Sustainability: Canal Adoption Scheme We will be introducing Spanish this year as well as building on our French vocabulary. We will be learning our two languages by active learning activities and by embedding languages being embedded in our daily routines. Canal adoption scheme is a heritage based topic  you are providing next year. I am excited about the opportunity for students to learn more about the local area and develop their own guided tour.  It is our P5 learning for Sustainability focus and environmental careers is the Local links focus so it fits in beautifully with our learning next year. I'm sure the members of my class will love to achieve a Heritage Hero Award 

8 Topic Term 1: Plants Term 2: Vikings
Democracy & Elections Scottish/ UK Parliament Term 3: Forces/Transport Materials Term 4: Weather and Water Local links: Environmental Careers Topic    Skills to share throughout any curricular area are very much welcomed in P4a. It’s great for the children

9 RSHP: Term 3 (Different relationships) PE: Twice Weekly (Wed/Fri)
Health and Well-Being RSHP: Term 3 (Different relationships) PE: Twice Weekly (Wed/Fri) Swimming Building resilience Health and Wellbeing: RSHP: This session, our RSHP will be taught in Term 3. If you require any further information about that we have a parent information evening on January 10th (TBC) so please attend that with your questions. PE: Lessons will be taught twice weekly (Wednesday and Friday), between the school hall, community centre hall and utilising outdoor space. Some PE lessons will be team taught with the other P4/5 class. Children will work through Games, Social/ National Dance, Creative Dance, Active Health, Gymnastics, Central Net, Athletics, Striking and Fielding Games. (This list is not extensive). If you wish to provide your child with items for an outdoor PE kit, feel free. I send the children’s PE kits home termly but if that is not enough please let me know. I will ask for an outdoor PE kit to be supplied for T4 (this does not need to be ‘school’ PE kit, jogging bottoms and a jumper are fine). The Daily Mile may also be used, most likely for one term consistently. Building Resilience: a new approach being used this year across Edinburgh to support mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing through learning and teaching in partnership with staff, parents and pupils. It aims to help children to function well, both at school and in life. It provides practical strategies to help them cope with the ups and downs of their everyday lives and tools they can use when they experience difficulties, frustrations and challenging times. This will be taught through whole-school assemblies and class lessons. There are 10 units, each designed to equip your child with skills to succeed in life.

10 STEM Children from P2/3 – P7 have STEM each week in the STEM Hub
STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths Children also learn skills such as teamwork, communication, critical thinking, creativity, resilience and problem solving Please drop in to the STEM Hub this evening to try out some STEM activities

11 Swimming: 6 week block Tuesday 1:00-1:50 at Queensferry High School

12 Collected following Monday Two jotters alternated
Home learning From next week full weeks only Given out on a Monday Collected following Monday Two jotters alternated Checklist in jotters The rationale behind our homework policy has changed this year. We have re-vamped it and are valuing children’s extra-curricular achievements alongside academic targets. Parental, pupil and staff feedback lead to the decision to give families longer to complete home learning tasks- now homework will be due from Monday to the following Monday instead of the Friday. To accommodate this your child will have 2 jotters. Each week your child will get a Home Learning sheet which will detail their tasks and it is appreciated that you can sign this when possible. Your child has a poly pocket within their folder where they can record any books they have read at home. If you have a particularly busy week and wish to opt out of home learning tasks, a note will suffice. Children will not be punished for tasks incomplete- we understand everyone’s circumstance is different. Any extra tasks you wish to do will also be recognised. Home learning tasks may not always be officially ‘marked’ but will be discussed and shared in class.

13 Supporting Learners Emotion Talks Restorative Practice Learning Journals Seasons for Growth

14 Before you go…… We want to work with you to continue to ensure that Ratho Primary is the best it can be. If you have time, could you go to the school hall and give us your thoughts on our priorities for this year. Thank you!

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