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Digital Learning Platform

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1 Digital Learning Platform
Enrolling in the system Christopher Graham

2 By the end you should be able to …
Aims for this session By the end you should be able to … … register in the system. … create a class. … add a course to the class. … invite students to join the class. Take a few minutes to look at the aims and answer any questions that arise. Professional Development

3 Professional Development

4 Registering Professional Development

5 Registering Tell participants that there are2 ways to register:
1. If they are a member of the Oxford Teachers’ Club, they can use their details, or 2. start by clicking on register Professional Development

6 Registering 2. start by clicking on register Professional Development

7 Completing details Tell them to complete with their details.
Professional Development

8 Make sure they have agreed to the “Terms and Conditions”.
Once they are finished, ask them to click on “register” at the bottom right of their screens. Professional Development

9 Confirm information Ask participants to confirm the information. Then, they should click on “Log in” at the bottom right of their screen. Professional Development

10 Validation Tell participants they need to validate themselves as teachers, They can do this by clicking on “Teacher Tools” at the top right of their screens. Professional Development

11 Tell teachers to enter their authorization code and press “enter”.
Before getting access to all the teacher tools, teachers must apply for a teacher account. Tell teachers to enter their authorization code and press “enter”. Professional Development

12 A window will appear telling them they have access to the teacher tools. They simply accept this by pressing “OK”. Professional Development

13 Creating a class Professional Development

14 Tell participants we will now create a class by clicking on creating a class at the bottom right of their home screen. Professional Development

15 Give your class a name Tell participants to give their class a name, maybe based on their level and days they have English, or the name the school has given to the class. Tell them that their class has a unique joining code for their students and for other teachers. CLICK Tell participants that the class will have a unique joining code, not only for the students, but also for other teachers. Professional Development

16 Then, tell participants to click “Add a Course” in order to choose a course for their class.
Professional Development

17 Tell participants to choose their course by simply clicking “Add to class” next to their course.
Tell participants that t this point they have set up a class and chosen a course for that class. Professional Development

18 Inviting students to the class
Professional Development

19 Tell participants that they can invite students in 1 of 2 ways.
Professional Development

20 To invite students, make sure you have clicked on the correct circle.
Professional Development

21 Then click on “Invite”. Professional Development

22 You can invite students via e-mail and a joining code.
Complete the box with the joining code and click on “ ”. Professional Development

23 Write the address of the students you want to invite to the course. Make sure you write one address per line. Professional Development

24 Tell participants they can also give their students a slip of paper with the joining code. In this case, ask them to click on “print”. Professional Development

25 Tell participants to enter the number of slips they need printed and then click “confirm”.
Professional Development

26 They can then cut out each slip and give one to each student
They can then cut out each slip and give one to each student. The slip will have the class name and the individual code for that student to become part of that class. Professional Development

27 Professional Development

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