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Causes of the French Revolution

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1 Causes of the French Revolution

2 What factors led to the French Revolution?
Absolute Monarchy Louis XVI ( ) was harsh in response to public criticism Political Cause-

3 Luxury spending & War Debt Economic Causes -
II. Luxury spending & War Debt Economic Causes - Marie Antoinette (Louis’ wife) was a symbol of overspending

4 French spent too much on wars:
- American Revolution - Seven Years War vs. British (for North American land)

5 Social causes- III. “Estates” Social Structure
1st Estate = clergy (made up 1%) 2nd Estate = nobles (made up 2%) 3rd Estate = ordinary people (made up 97%) had to pay taxes & military service

6 c. “What is the 3rd Estate? The Nation!”
- members included: 1. Bourgeoisie (professionals that made up the middle class)

7 2. peasants and skilled laborers - largest group
- had the least amount of rights & privileges


9 Intellectual Causes- IV. Spread & popularity of Enlightenment
Philosophes’ ideas challenged the order of things (status quo) and created a revolutionary state of mind in France Intellectual Causes-

10 2. What social class complained about inequality & high taxes?
1. What were the three social classes that French population was divided into? 2. What social class complained about inequality & high taxes? 3. What kind of government is it when the people have no rights & are ruled by one person?

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